Question for moms with multiple labors

edited June 2013 in Pregnant
Has anyone had pain meds (an epidural) with one labor and not another? Can you compare? I had an epi with my first and labor seemed so easy. I'd like to not have any meds this time, but I'm a chicken. I'd say I have a fairly high pain tolerance. I had pitocin last time and they said I'd want the epi about 3 hours after that started but I made it almost 6 and asked for it out of fear more than pain. Any experience might calm my nerves....thanks ladies!


  • edited June 2013
    My first 2 I had no pain meds they were quick and easy labors. My last 2 were induced, longer and more painful. So there for I had pain meds. I preferred my labors without the pain meds.
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  • ^^^agree! I've never had pain meds except with my c section but I prefer nothing over that..I know I'm no help lol
  • With my daughter I did not have an epi. I was thinking with this pregnancy I wanted one but now I am thinking against it. Lol
  • Well I've only had one (very intense) labor and I did not have an epi, and despite the pain I was in I still wouldn't get one. I felt amazing afterward. I am a huge baby when it comes to pain so if I can do it you can do it!! :)
  • I've had both & despite the pain, I prefer without the epi. It's a much easier recovery for mom & baby. If you don't have an epi then don't let them give you pitocin. It's almost standard procedure to give pitocin if you aren't progressing "fast enough" (in their opinion) but just decline it or you will want an epi.
  • I have only had one so far and honestly i am having an epi this next time. The first was natural and mine was intense hard labor. I was in labor for 8 hours and pushed for 3. After i was so exhausted i was more concerned with getting pain meds and wanting to go to sleep then bonding. But i also had PPD really bad with my daughter.
  • I plan on getting an epi with my next due in December, we can't afford to make false hospital trips so I'm hoping I'll know when it's true labor and don't wait too long. I cannot handle any sort of pain at all, with my first I thought I had to get to 4 cm to get an epi, nope lol
  • Im no help my 3 labors have no epi!
  • I had an epi with my first I had horrible back labor and was in labor for 48 hours and couldn't handle it after the pitocin. I would like to try it without it this time I'm also declining pitocin.
  • Thanks everyone for your input. The pitocin really didnt seem too bad for me and I only pushed for about 15 minutes, but I'm wondering if it was so easy because of the epi or if I would have been fine without it. My water broke at home but my labor didnt start. They started pitocin because they didnt want baby in there for too long without fluid.
  • I didn't have an epi on any of my pregnancyII just had IV pain medicine and it wasn't that bad I was very close on not having any medication but I honestly hurt a lotgood luck on you will be very brave if you don't have any medication
  • Well ill tell ya pitocen contractions are nothing like naturally progressing contractions... yes the reason the pitocen didn't seem like a big deal was most def because of the epi! I labored on pitocen for about 6 hours before I got an epi and it was so much harder and stronger than regular contractions... so if u decline the epi, try to decline the pitocen once pit is givin your c section chance jumps up 30% automatically
  • I had an epi with my first and 100% plan on having another one with this baby. My mom gave me shit saying how she didn't have any meds with me but I said screw that. You don't get a prize for suffering unnecessarily so why not. I felt great during and after labor and was up walking around soon after delivering.
  • I had no epi with my first & I later saw one of my friends in labor on an epi & I decided I was going to have it my next baby. She was laying there all relaxed having conversations. I was writhing in pain every time I had a contraction. With my next baby I asked for the epi immediately. I was able toenjoy the experience more when I wasn't in pain. But if I wasn't sure, like you, I would try to go without anything,
  • My first I had an epidural and hated it. The second two I had natural... One bc no time for an epidural and one bc the natural way was so much better I opted for natural. I felt a thousand times better after the natural births.
  • I had pitocen and Epi..but my Epi wore off after about 5 mins of having it. My nurse wanted me to have a natural birth and wouldn't let me press the button for more epi. My contractions were HORRIBLE!!! Labored for 18 hours pushed for 7 mins. This baby I'm definitely getting Epi and most likely declining pitocen.. also going to a different hospital.
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