im having a baby today! UPDATE isabella grace morales is here!
Had a scheduled c section for 9am tomorrow. Woke up about 5 am today with horrible contractions and was only 2-3 centimeters. They've made me walk alot, gave me a shot in my butt for the excruciating pain and now im a 4! About to be admitted and they are going to break my water and give me my epidural. Wish me luck for a successful VBAC
7lbs 3.7 oz 20 inches long she's gorgeous 3 min after telling me im 8 centimeters and turning me to the other side I felt insane pressure like I had to boo-boo. They looked and there was the top of her head. I sat like that for about 20 min to 'labor her down' and then pushed for 11 minutes. No pain at all just some one and two degree tearing. She latched on like a champ! Now im ready to eat im sooo freakin hungry lol. So there's my simple labor story. Im so glad I stuck through it because honestly this morning I said id rather just have another c section because the contractions were so painful and an epidural seemed so far away. But my nurse was so supportive and bless her for getting me that epi a half centimeter early :P