@Kimberly4411 u can do honey, caramel, or whatever you like to add to teas. I don't know mine is good. I got it at all natural food store its in a loss leaf I put it into little tea ball and poor hot water over it, let it sit until I think it's good then drink. Even my hubby thinks it's yummy lol it's funny see him drink it.
@Jules Women online said it put them in labour, but I guess everyone is different. I've been super active and nothing. Now I'm just really tired with a toddler to take care of...lol
@monkey_girl that's interesting because most start drinking it during second trimester so if put people in labor then it wouldn't be recommended to drink it that early and it is. Plus I've started during second trimester both times and didn't go in labor and this baby is still in, good thing. But I did read stuff online that some did go in labor especially if they drank a lot or were taking the capsules. But did help me have good labor! Good luck at your appointment hope you hear some good news!
That's great! See your making progress keep doing what your doing I think from that I've read cervix softening is better than dialation at this stage that's why people do epo and stuff too help that get move on. Your gonna go any day now! Keep moving bounce on that ball if you have one. And try the nipple stimulation.
@new_mama2011 u want it to be all natural/organic red raspberry leaf tea. If you get it in a box and its not lose leaf like what I have then it should say something about pms and such things that's what you want. It strenghtens the uterus muscle that way when it's time it does its job in stretching nice and fast and you will have very fast recovery. Because the uterus will go back to normal size very quickly. U can Google it there's some great info on it or there.
@Kimberly4411 she is beyond comfy.
****Have a doctors appointment in 2 hours. I'm praying I have cervical change****.