38 weeks and can't take it anymore!

edited September 2013 in Pregnant
I really don't want a c-section but am so tempted to schedule one already. I hope this baby comes soon, on her own. Baby dust please!


  • Its hard I know I got little more than 10 weeks abd time is starting to slow down :(.... but c section is not worth it we both know that. Just tiny bit more you csne do this! Babu dust!
  • You can do this!! I'm only 27 weeks and between my legs is killing me, I'm having really bad anxiety about how bad the final weeks are going to be.
    Stay strong!!
  • @Jules I know! I really don't want one but if nothing happens in a week I'm getting one.
  • Thanks @Kimberly4411 the pain in-between my legs has gone from bad to worst. Hoping this baby comes soon!
  • No way. You got this. If you have that much pain I'm sure it's going to happen very soon! Have your doc checked you or have you had any contractions?
  • @Jules I was checked on Friday and no cervix change. :( I've had a few contractions but nothing consistent.
  • I know it seems like the baby will be in there forever, but a c section would just give you unnecessary pain. Take a warm bath or some Tylenol to ease the pain. This is my fifth baby and I would give anything to have a full term birth. My last two came at 35 and 36 weeks and I wish they'd have stayed in longer.
  • Well some don't have much as far as cervical change until they are in active labor. Before my water broke I was checked at previous appointment and I was at 1 and nothing changed until labor then it was pretty fast. I'm sure some contractions is good sign! Just try your best to relax :)
  • @fate I'm trying to be strong! This is my second child and am trying to do a VBAC. My body had a lot of trauma from my last birthing experience. I'm praying this time is different. Thanks for the encouragement! I really need it. :)

    @Jules Yeah, my doctor told me the same thing. Thanks Jules!I'm going to try not to think about it.
  • Sounds like good plan! Make some plans with your lo just stay busy. Cleaning whatever you need to do it will help keep your mind off of it. Trust me I know it's not easy at all I'm getting antsy already I still got 10 weeks :( but I've been doing my best to keep busy.
  • Girl I was one day away from being 43 weeks pregnant when I had my daughter. I completely understand. Don't worry the baby will come soon.. right when we are about to give up is usually around the time they come.
  • @Jules Cleaning is all I can do. I can't drive because I get anxiety attacks that turn into panic attacks, which lower my blood pressure. This pregnancy has been great, NOT!

    @Mylove2 OMG! 43 weeks?! Woman, you should get a metal! I hope you're right and that this baby comes soon.
  • Well that's good that you can clean at least. Maybe go on walk to the park. When did you have your first was she over due?
  • I had my first at 38 weeks but I was induced. @jules
  • How come you were induced? Was she born vaginal? This girl I know just got induced cause she was done and ended up in c section.
  • edited September 2013
    No, I ended up in a c-section. I was beyond done so my doctor at the time induced me since I was full term. My doctor then and doctor now don't believe in going past 40 weeks. @jules
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  • Almost not 43 weeks, she came right at the end of the 42nd week. I know right.. I was hard to handle the couple of weeks though because I was in a lot of pain. Don't worry about it hun..
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate I know that first hand.
  • Your body your baby. I agree with hba-the doc works for you
  • Oh I see. I would never allow it for myself unless there was medical reason just because I know the chance of c section goes up and I really don't want one. Especially now that I was so lucky to not even tear with my first and hoping for same thing. But everyone has right to do what they feel is best for them. I'm curios to know why the doc doesn't believe in going over 40 weeks though..I mean we have good technology now days but you never know it could look like they are at certain point but really be earlier in which case it's best to let baby keep cooking. But that's just my opinion and thoughts. Nothing on anyone personally at all. I hope you feel better soon and not be in too much pain! Sending you big hug. Your almost there. Have you tried using birthing/excersice ball? Or pump if you have one? And someone said that if you get contractions and drink chamomile tea it keeps them going. Never tried it myself though.
  • edited September 2013
    @Jules they say it puts baby in a more stressful environment. My daughter was 9lbs 9oz at 38 weeks! Can you imagine if I would have gone past 40 weeks?! This baby is measuring big as well. Never heard of chamomile tea increasing contractions? I'm trying it tonight. Thanks for the hug!
  • @bahamama4828 I wouldn't allow myself to go past 40 weeks. My daughter was 9lbs 9oz at 38 weeks and this one is measuring big as well.
  • @mylove2 how big was your baby?
  • It puts baby in stress to be in longer? Ya thats big baby can't imagine how big she would have been later. My daughter was 7pounds at 39 weeks I thought that was good size. Can't imagine myself even having baby over 8 pounds. Oh and people say pineapple helps too. Plus it's yummy!
  • edited September 2013
    @Jules yeah, my daughter had little to no room to move around. 7lbs sounds nice...:) Going to try pineapple too!
  • I wish you luck and hope baby comes soon!
  • 8lbs 11oz 23inches.
  • Ya can't imagine. I'm surprised she didn't come out on her own by then. Hopefully something helps. Keep walking, squats, bounce and roll your hips on ball, pump or nipple stimulation if you don't have one, try the tea I never did chamomile I did red raspberry and evening primerose oil, obviously sex, and pineapple. At least your not over due yet, there's still hope!
  • Thank you! @sands3

    @mylove2 You're a lucky gal. :)

    @Jules Did rasberry tea work? I know I'm not overdue but my biggest fear is that I wait and wait to try to do a vbac and I can't because the baby is to big. :( :( Thanks for all the tips!

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