Congratulations!!! Glad to hear his doing well hope your doing well and can't believe you any soo long without the epi!!! Can't wait to hear more details hope your getting some rest.
Thanks everyone...his name is Jonah Alan and he's my second smallest! 7lb. 2 oz 20.5 tiny! He's also the only one ever born on their actual due date and he shares his birthday with his older 12 year old sister! I'm feeling great, only 1 stitch, placenta came out whole, not a lot of bleeding and no pain or swelling. This was my best delivery and recovery so far ever! I love the pic my husband snapped on his phone. It was the moment he was laid on my belly before they took him for help with breathing.
This is so weird babies are being so punctual. My friend had her first baby boy on his due date of October 20th. Now you!!! So cool. And now you have two with same birthday that will be interesting his perfect size too! Love the picture!
How does the 12 year old like sharing her birthday? I had kylee 10days away from my now 12 year olds bday and she wanted to share her birthday so bad lol.