everytime I cough laugh sneeze I pee my pants!! Its so embarrassing does anyone suggest any type of pantie liners or anything to help, it doesn't help I have an awful cough right now
Im preg wit 5th the dr said the more babies the looser ur muscles are.I pee on myself evn when im not preg if that makes u feel better.I've had to wear a pantyliner everyday for 9yrs.when im preg its way worse im 4months n if I wait to long to pee I pee myself.I can't hold it for more than 10min.
Dr said kegels don't always help... I pee tooo its a funny thing our moms and grandmas never told us about this... it is embarrassing my kids an:-(d husband make fun of me all the time.. just last night someone knocked on my door so loud at like 1 am and I peeed when I jumped up scared the piss out of me hahahaha.. any way its normal and not just when your pregnant but I guess after tooo
When I know that I'm about to sneeze, I stop and brace myself to see if I can sneeze w/o peeing in my underwear. It's so dangerous if it comes unexpected but that's the downfall of having kids.
I had thid problem due to having my two children so close together i had a operation to Have a bladder net so now it doesnt happen. This is my third pregnancy and am due a c section because.of the work i had done, the docs said if i wanted to deliver normal i can and they will do the op again..but damn it hurt so decided c sections for me. :-)
If I'm layingdown and I feel like I have to pee a little when I stand to go to the bathroom all the weight puts so much pressure on my bladder ...I almost pee or acutally pee a little bit running to the bathroom
I am so glad I'm not alone with the peeing thing! I have to stop and brace myself also when I feel a cough or sneeze coming on. If I don't feel it coming and it just happens I freaking leak in my panties. One of the joys of having kids I guess...
I was standing with my husband in a store waiting to check out and I felt a sneeze coming on and when it came all I could feel was swwshhhh of pee.. And it wasnt just a lil pee it was enough to where you could definitely tell.. I was mortified!!!! The panty liner I was wearing did nothing to help, I couldn't get out of the store fast enough!!!