4:30 AM woke up starving...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 8 weeks and haven't felt hungry in weeks...this morning I woke up to pee and felt like a haven't eaten in a month! I'm still sleeping so I just ate a hawaiian roll..but this is crazy...hope my little minion won't be waking me up this early already for feedings...lol


  • edited March 2011
    Try keeping some crackers on the nightstand. When that happened to me my belly will often feel burny if I dont eat soon enough. Maybe a cracker or a few would appease the hunger and let you go back to sleep sooner next time. They're also helpful if you wake up with morning sickness.
  • I thought I was the only one. I eat before bed .. like dinner. Then ill wake up at night hungry as shit. I don't get up cuz I'm sleepy lol.
  • @bundleofjoy I had to get up this time....stomach felt sooooo empty....I felt guilty making my baby starve...lol
  • I wake up at 5 every morning ravenous. But then I can't seem to eat much after 4pm...my work put me on an early schedule that I can't get off of even on my days off. Breakfast about 5, lunch at 10 and supper at 4pm. Sleepy by 830...
  • With my daughter that was our cereal time. Every night is per n feel starving so quick easy was cereal. Funny only time I didn't get heartburn after eating. As newborn she woke up at that time and I gave her a lil bit of cereal on my finger she would go back to bed.
  • That's crazyy. So if I get up and eat a cracker my child will like those at birth when he wakes up ?
  • Lol I dunno exactly but everything from sleep patterns to certain foods were the same when I was prego to now 22 months later. I knew my daughters sleep schedule before she was born. It was weird.
  • My cravings in my previous pregnancies are now my kids faves....strange huh
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