Baby#2 is on its way!!!!!! (update)
we're so happy were pregnant again we really thought it was gonna b hard for us once again. it took us four months after I stop bf I guess bf is like a birth control. well ladies I didn't even know I was prego I was sick but thought maybe something I ate as I started throwing up n the morning I knew I had to b prego so I we went to go buy tests took two and got my positive I have a appointment Monday my last period was Dec21 but I did have a weird period before that hopefully things go Gd and we see are lil bean on Monday I'm so tired with no energy for my lil guy he's 2 years how do u lady's do it also every one says ever pregnancy is different but this one seems the same with the morning sickness can this mean I'm having another boy it dnt matter to me just curious
........I'm around 7 weeks due Oct 7 TEAM YELLOW:)
........I'm around 7 weeks due Oct 7 TEAM YELLOW:)
Every pregnancy has its differences and similarities, its kinda early to tell. Congrats again! Im very happy for you