Elective c section?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone else trying to get an elective csection and choosing to opt out of the worst imaginable pain


  • If you might always have to have one I'd think more about it. I had emergency one and hate that I did
  • I don't think you can, can you?? Don't worry about the pain just tell them you want an epidural as soon as you can get it! Plus you'll forget all about the pain when you baby is here :).. you'll be in a lot more pain afterwards with a csection than if you go vaginally
  • edited March 2011
    You forget the pain hun after labor. Trust me. Lol after a c section you are sore for awhile and you have a lot of restrictions. Your get staples on the outside which will cause pain until you get them removed about a week later where when you vaginally deliver, you usually feel really good, just tired afterwards. I had 4 stitches with my daughter, they never hurt and I never felt any different. You have higher risks of infection with a c section as well. I personally wouldn't take a c section unless it was fully needed but that's just me :) make sure you know the pros and cons before you make your decision. No matter what im sure you will do great and you will be an amazing mommy :) congrats! If you didn't forget about the pain, no one would have more babies and they do :) I have a 14 month old and almost 28 weeks with baby girl #2!
  • You can ask for one and go through the pros and cons with your dr why you want one but don't get your hopes up. I have had all my kids vaginal but on this one we are getting fixed so I have the choice to get a c section or vag. And I also have blood thinners on board so that makes a difference. I am still going to go with vag cause I have heard c sections are painful afterwards and you have to take the whole 6 weeks to heal.
  • I'm electing to have a c-section and yes you can choose to have one or at least here you can. My boss who is a nurse scheduled both of hers when she was pregnant.

    So far half the people I tell understand the other half try to argue with me and change my mind but its my choice to have the baby and my choice how I want to have it. And yes I know the negatives but everything in life has negatives and positives...for me positives out weigh the negatives.

    Stay strong whatever you choose to do, both options aren't easy but either way your little bundle of joy will be worth it all :)
  • I've heard worse things about c-sections :( pain is worse afterwards, longer healing time, more complications. How I figure it, we've been doing this for thousands of years...animals do it all by themselves with probably the same amount of pain. Ever watch an elephant being born? Lol. Makes ours look easy.
    Maybe try looking into different methods of vaginal birth, like water birth or hypnobirthing? To help ease the pain. There's always epidurals and pain relievers too.
  • I had a c-section & have the choice for a v-bac afterwards. I'm just gonna do the c-section again. It didn't hurt at all. & I was done & in my room thirty minutes after the procedure started! & the scar is so small.
  • I think there r misconceptions about c-sections. It doesn't take 6 weeks to heal, after about a week you're usually fine. I don't know about your hospital, but mine doesn't use staples, u get stitches that dissolve, u don't even have to go back to have them removed. I've had a vaginal birth, and I don't care how many times I hear it, I disagree, I didn't just forget about the pain I went thru when I had my daughter. But, that's part of the process and I did get a gorgeous kid outta the deal. Each woman, each pregnancy, and each delivery is different. Weigh the pros and cons of what's important to YOU and make your decision.
  • I'm not worried about the pain either way, I'm just worried my bf won't look at me the same anymore if I give birth vaginal. Lol
  • I had a c section and if given a choice, I would do it again. It didn't hurt, just pressure, the scar is tiny. I didn't have staples, I had stitches that went away on their own. Yea, your sore after, but I hear you are too with a vaginal delivery. Good luck with whatever YOU choose to do.
  • I had the dissolvable stitches too! I was good to go after a week! @sands3
  • Thank you so much for your comments...I am nervous cause I know I am small down there and will most likely be cut or tear which then causes alot of pain later when you pee and poop...I am a nurse and i have witness both vag and csection the vag was scary and the mom was screaming in the csection the mom was talking about her favorite martinis....I want the martinis lol
  • It's just the healing process after u have the c-section. If u do have one make sure u stay away from the funniest person u know. Cuz laughing n coughing is an experience..... Lol
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  • I've had two c-sections, and am having my thurd (really? I HATE pregnancy brain...) THIRD at the end of august. My recovery was great, I had no complications. They put steri-strips over the incision and closed it with dissolvable stitches, and within a week I was fine. However--bear in mind that your body will be much more reluctant to return to its normal shape post c-sec than post vaginal birth, and there are definite risks that you take when you choose major abdominal surgery over what your body is naturally designed to do. I would NOT recommend an elective c-section, I honestly think it's foolish. I would tell those who need it for medical reasons not to be afraid, but it's not normal or natural, and like I said, your body won't thank you for it--there's a reason why plastic surgeons and OBs have teamed up to give c-tucks (c-section coupled with a tummy tuck). Good luck in whatever you decide, tho!
  • Yea there are risk. Unfortunately some of us are just to narrow to push a baby out. I was in labor 23 hours before they did a c section. No I didn't chose I have it done then, but I'm chosing to have another. Just because I know my babies are to large for me and because I know what to expect. My healing was very very easy but every body is different and deals with pain and recovery differently. You need to talk with your Dr and get their input and advice and make your decision from that. Best of luck!
  • @magcaw I've read the c tuck is a very bad idea cuz it takes your body at least 6 months to return to "normal" after pregnancy. Having a c tuck can case uneven results and possibly sagging skin.
  • Yep, I've read the same @sands3
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