Feeling way older to be having 1st child.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am seeing everyone around me at my age already having 7 yr old children, working on their 2+ or more baby and I'm just starting! I'm 31 years old and 15 weeks prg. On this forum all I read is teens having children, young 20 somethings starting their families or working on their 2/3 child and now I'm feeling quite old! Ha! Is anyone older than 30 starting their famlies? My hubby and I have been married for 6 years and bought our house three years ago and now have stable jobs and I feel like we waited too long! I'm just wondering if there are any other "older" ladies getting started on their families and feeling a little alone out here? :-\


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  • I have 2 children but there almost grown up so I'm 36 and starting again.....its some scary stuff x x
  • @gatorbob, well at least I'm not alone! Everyone around me started long ago. My mom was 27 when she had me, her 3rd and last child! So its good to hear others waited too!
    @cheryl74 conrats! Starting all over again pheww! That is quite a change, but I'm guessing a happy change!
  • 31 is not old! Most of us were taught wait til ur married to have kids, plan ur future. Now days it doesn't seem to be. I'm 32 n having my 3rd & 4th n very proud of it. Married, house, cars, wonderful jobs..... Now who's to say I won't have problems because I have those things....... Overall the love of the parents is what's needed
  • Its ok! Be happy!. I am 29 and this is not first, I sure dont regret my children but if I could have wait and known better like this stage of my life I would have started now! No offense to know one that is a young mom or mom to be! You and your husband r.stable n thts a good thing!
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  • 31 is not old! Its mature and stable!
  • Lol, I'm so excited... Only another 30 weeks to go x
  • I am 31yo and 10 weeks :) this is our first one as well.
  • Yay! I honestly thought this was good timing on our part, but co_workers ans younger friends comments started creeping in my head and I started to feel old. Also you all do see how the younger teens have a group, it would be nice to have a 30ish group too! I am not going through the issues the teens are going through so I quit reading their posts.
  • Im 28 with my first and freaking out!!! lol..
  • Just turned 31 here with our first
  • 27 and 15 weeks with first. My stepkids are all between 14 and 9. Gonna be sending 2 to college and 3 in high school and baby to kindergarten oh geeze!
  • I'm 26 but my older sister had one at 32 I think its very normal see it all the time. Having my first at 16 by now I feel like an older mother. :)
  • I'm 33 and pregnant with our first. Very happily married for 11 years and finally decided to have kids. Glad you posted because I felt like I was really old to compared to most. Where we live, most people don't have kids until their 30s.
  • I'm 32, married and 12 wks pregnant with my first (twins actually!). We weren't planning on having any but God had other plans for us, haha. >:D<
  • I'm 29 an d dh is 36. I felt the same looking at everyone's posts. It's our first also
  • 31 yrs old, 11 wks w/ my first. My mom had me when she was 36.
  • That's a good thing that you have create a stable life style and did what you needed before having kids. I had an unplanned pregnancy at 19. It was hard because we were still trying to work things out and make ends meet. I am now having a planned pregnancy at 24. We still are trying but I could not wait any longer because there was already such a big gap between my kids.
  • I will b 28 n less then 2 months and am currently 14w3d prego. I have a 7 yr old and have forgotten everything bout being preg. But im excited non the less!!
  • my mom was like 25 when she haf me. her fourth child. my dusts all had kids young. by like 18. 19. n pretty much every one around me. so me having my first child at 26 I feel a bit old. my gf is 22 n already a mom., oh n she b makin fun of me n callin me old too lol
  • I'm 34, my hub is 35 and we are prego with our first. I have a 14 year old stepson with him, but for the most part I'm glad I waited. I'm stable. I partied and rode motorcycles all through my 20's and now I'm established. I wouldn't have it any other way...
  • I'm 31 & pg with my 3rd. I had my other 2 when I was 17 & 19 & it is scary starting over again. I feel the difference in how my body handled it then & now. I never felt sick before but this go round I feel nauteaus & hot at different times of the day. I know 31 isn't old but when your 13 year old son is taller than you & is going through puberty it makes it hard no to feel old. My kids think I got pg because they're growing up too fast- they may be right! Either way I'm embracing it. Just wish I didn't have to pee so much! Lol <3
  • @Edubsbaby I fall into the younger category - freshly 23 as of this week - but our circumstances changed on us, so we started TTC now instead of our plan of waiting until we were in our late twenties/early thirties. He is heading into the army, and both of my parents fell critically ill within the last two years, so it was the best plan for us, with my parents being ill being the biggest factor in the decision making process. I want them in their grandchild's life as long as possible, so we tweaked our life plans a tad without completely changing them. However, I wish our circumstances were different, back to the "original" plan, and we might yet find ourselves back on our original track, depending on how things play out.

    You have definitely not waited too long. Not only do you have a stable home to bring your children into, but you both have steady jobs and a solid marriage. Basically, you have done things the best way possible. I am slightly envious, actually. ;)
  • 32 and so glad I waited. I loved my twenties and all the freedom I had.
  • Im 30 and Preg with my first. Never wanted kids but im super excited now. Can't wait to share the rest of my life with this little girl. Im due July 4th.
  • 34 prego with first, wanted to have kids earlier but glad we waited we are in a good place. congrats all!
  • This may sound weird but I'm 25 and all my friends have kids that are 3 and older. So I know the feeling of starting later although I'm not in my 30s. And your not old your actually in your prime. Studies say women's sex drive or at their peek in their 30s so I'm hopping for that lol. God bless ladies.
  • 31 and in my ninth week with my first. Hubby and I will be married for 11 years in June. So happy!
  • 34 with my 2nd. My first is 9 yrs old..
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