In need of advice or experiences!!!!!!! PLZ!!!! FRUSTRATED with Mother Nature!
My husband and I have been ttc for 17 months and nothing. We were finally sent to a fertility specialist and he has been working with us since November 2010. I had af Dec 20- Jan 19 (the worst month of my life, I missed a lot of work and was repremended by my sexist boss and it caused more stress than I have ever had in my life. I also went to the ER several times (my baby dr.(gyno) was taking precaution bc she thought I was losing way too much blood (tmi, sorry) and thought I might have to do a blood transfusion (thankfully my body was using all it had to produce more and I didn't have to have one) anyway long story short, we went to the fertility dr on Jan 19 (af had stopped) the dr. put me on my first round of clomid, took a test and it was neg. I then went from Jan 19-March 3 till af started again. Just finished my second round (double dose this round) of clomid. Hubby and I had intercourse last night and then today I went to the restroom and was in utter SHOCK! Af appeared!!!!!!!!!!! She was just here! She isn't suppose to arrive for another month! I don't know what to think now! Yesterday there was nothing (af ended on Thursday) and then we had intercourse and now I am bleeding?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?! I just don't get it at all, this doesn't make sense to me!!!! Anyone know of experiences like this or experienced it themselves??? All I want in the whole world is to conceive a miracle! Hubby and I deserve a little miracle! Niether hubby nor I have kids This will be a first for us both! I am trying to stay positive, and I was doing GREAT until about an hour ago!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got my bfp 3 months later, after my body leveled out. Had my cervix dilated and hsg test done and that cycle got preggo. Good luck to you. Feel free to message me with questions!