I'm 20 weeks & my bump is still coming and going lol I feel like you can see my bump fine, but yesterday my husband & I went to lunch with friends.. and my friend said she couldn't even tell ): So truly feeling it, just depends on the person.. everyone is different!
Welcome.. and yeah at 12 weeks I was just still retaining all the water and what not. I haven't gained a pound. I asked the dr & she said as long as I'm feeling good and the baby is healthy then its perfectly fine. I feel so.. boring. Lol I thought being all big & round was exciting.. and I'm not any bigger. Boo!
Im on #4 and 7w 2d. I even put a post on here about how i already had a little bump. But i couldn't put that post on today think it's just gas and water retention. My clothes r a little snug but not bad. Sometimes its there and sometimes its not. Makes me giggle that i made my hubby rub my " baby bump" and really he was rubbing a gas bubble! Haha