Sept. Babies!!!



  • I am due 29th September accordion to this app. Its my second baby. I have a 4 year old girl. I seem to be the only person on this app from UK as far as I know.
  • I am due estimated september 23
  • Im due sept 7 with both of our first and just had our first ultrasound on monday. I still don't feel like it's totally real I hope next month when we hear the heart beat it feels more real.
  • I'm due September 29th according to this app. I have my first doctors appointment on Friday!
  • Had my first ultrasound yesterday and I'm due on the 10th
  • I go next week for my first doctor's appointment. This is our second. My daughter just turned two and is excited about the baby living in mommy's belly! I would like this baby to be a surprise, but my husband would like to know what we're having. I will be happy with a boy or a girl. Just want a healthy baby!
  • My expected due date is September 15th. I am from Southrn California and 23 years old. On my first appointment at six weeks we got to see our baby and hear its heartbeat :) lucikly I had a crap/ blood scare the other day so my doc had me come in to see what was going on and the baby was bigger already with a strong beat ;)
  • I am 6 weeks 1 day and due Sept 20th! First ultra sound is Monday I'm sooo excited. This is our second pregnancy one mis 2 years ago, I'm 26 and live in charlotte nc!
  • I'm 7 wks tomorrow, due September 15, I misscarried in October at 11 wks so hoping this one is a sticky baby. It will be our first...:) I live in Michigan and I work full time as a cna..
  • First ultrasound today!! Heartbeat 149.... 7 weeks 2 days due sept 12...have a 2.5 yr old boy:)
  • @mommy2mdc that is so exciting! I am due sept 13 with my first. I have my next appt on the 8th and an u/s on the 9th. Where are you from? I'm 26 from Michigan :)
  • IM due sept. 3 with our first. I have had a few u/s already because I went through ivf. Heartbeat was 166 at last weeks. Very excited, but still to nervous to tell anyone.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm from houston tx, 28 yrs old and just found out yesturday I'm 7 weeks & 3 days pregnant. This is my 1st baby and so excited...I tried for 7 yrs to get pregant and now when I least expect it the moment is here. I'm due Sept 11th!
  • Im due 09-09-11 I was due wit my daughter 11-09-09 lol
  • Due September 27th with my first!
  • Im 18, due september 15 :) my first. But my boyfriend just had his first yest erday..kinda weird
  • Hi everyone I'm 21 n preggo wit my first I'm 6 wks n due 28th of Sept from mobile, AL
  • I'm from Atlanta Georgia, my due Sept 7th, this will be my 3rd child ( 12 yr old son and a 4yr old daughter). This baby was not planned however we r happy >:D<
  • Hey (: I'm 22.pregnant with my first. 6 weeks 2 days today first doctors appointment is not until feb 17th because my amazing boyfriend works out of town and I of course want him here for it as he also can't wait to see the ultrasound (: we are very excited. And we are from anderson sc
  • Im engaged. According to the app im 8 weeks pregnant. My due dates Sep. 14 and my fiance and I are extremely excited:) first drs apptm tomorrow. When will I be able to have an ultrasound done?
  • @sdjess2012 I think it depends mainly on the doctor you choose, I've been hearing that a lot. Some docs do transvaginal as early as four weeks but I see a lot of other girls posts were they have to wait till a certain week, it may depend what country you live in too. Not 100% sure tho ;)
  • I'm 24 this is my first my due date is sept 11th...
  • @dollfacex0x0

    Thanks:), I live in the US. I'll question my dr tomorrow and post how everything goes.
  • 19 soldier here at fort sill oaklahoma first child looking forward to the chance at motherhood 6 weeks and 1 day today appointment on the 4th
  • @xx_lin_xx wow that's super crazy how does that make you feel
  • Sorry above comment was for @xx_kin_xx
  • Hi! my hubby and I are expecting our second baby in September :) I'm working part time and go to school full time. Our oldest daughter is 20 months old. Scary knowing I will have a 2 year old and a new born! Anyone else in the same boat?
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  • I am due on Sept. 20th! And we are extremely excited! But also scared about miscarriages and having one! Anyone else going through that? :-S
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