whos gonna be pregnant aaalll summer??



  • Im due of sept. 18th... so I'm going to cook too... I can't wait to wear my bikini top, shirts and sandals with all my belly... looking forward to that...
  • @sariemama3 yea that's true &nd well 8/31 is my uncle's day &nd aug 29 is my mom's bday so they so hope either one 4 me 2 ! Lol
  • Meeee due Aug 17 ill be ready to POP
  • im with you babyDC im due sept 28th in AZ as well. no complaints ive wanted this for so long a little (120 degree) heat wont kill me, I hope.
  • I'm dues Sept 2nd too! I'm going to be the biggest during the hottest months ugh! In New Mexico.
  • Me I am due Oct 14
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  • I will be I'm due in October I'm in AZ as well the heat gets to me already lol
  • im due on sept 17...
  • @sweetsuprise Aww! An lol yea idk how I'm going to do I'm in Colorado so its not all that bad here
  • Due aug 25 and everyone tells me I'm guna absolutely miserable I plan on cutting my hair and being bxt a pool and air conditioner hopefully not too bad
  • Due 9/10/11 not looking forward to heat while pregnant but excited to wear cute summer dresses to show off my belly!
  • Due Nov 3rd!
  • I won't be pregnant, but ill still be miserably hot trying to lose my baby weight
  • I'm due Sept 2
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  • edited March 2011
    My son was born Sept 12 in south Georgia heat. This one is a July baby but in Alaska this time
  • I just been pregnant all summer blah now I gotta get through autumn n bub should get here just in time 4 winter yay lol
  • Due sept 29 th :( hot summer yay socal....
  • Ughh yea imma be nice and round probably(not showin yet I'm 15 weeks now)for my bday in june and my first baby due. On sept 1st but thts fine miami beach for my bday and pool every other day :) so ice cream and grapes will b my best friend this summer;)
  • @sariemama3 your the first person I have found due the same day as me :) lol sadness we will be big cranky and big all through the summer
  • im not sure if you can count july being all summer buy most of the summer yes . july 4th is wen my princess wil b here .
  • Ugh.......Me. This will be the 3rd time. I HATE sweating under my boons! Lol
  • Omg .. I'm due August 27 and my birthdam is September 3 .. ugh, lookin forward to my baby but not bein big as a house and hot as a heater all summer lol !!
  • Due sep 15 live in the Bahamas so i think this summer should be fun. Goin to get some cute dresses, bikinis to show of my baby bump and new flip flops. U can walk to the beach and open up a coconut drink and be happy : )
  • Me! 4th time being pregnant all summer! Its not fun especially being overweight AND pregnant. Ugh
  • Me I will be im due july 29th so I'm gonna be all swollen and angry in this jersey weather
  • I'm due august 27 so ill pop right at the end of summer...oh well at least well have a couple more weeks to be in the pool
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