when did you girls..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Start showing? I'm worried I'm kinda behind? :/


  • My first I didn't show til 5 months. This time with baby #2 I started to show early, 10wks or so
  • Is this your first? With my first I didn't start showing until i was 5mths. My 2nd came a bit earlier now with my 3rd I look like I'm 5 mths and I'm barely 3!!! Every one is different also your body shape plays a role in how you carry the baby and when you'll start showing :)
  • I started showing around 11 weeks.
  • This is my first, I'm 15 almost 16 and I started showing, like I gained like ten pounds in the beginning but now I've maintained my weight and my belly doesn't seem to get any bigger, kinda worried.
  • I didn't start showing to where others could tell till like 6ish months I could tell before that. I'm almost 8 months now and everyone says I'm really small.
  • With my first i didnt even get a pudge til 5 months. no one could even tell til i was 6-7 months
  • I'm @ 17weeks (4months) first baby and I asked someone I work with if I looked preggo...they came back with, well if I didn't know you were I would just think you were fat. Lol my friend "popped" at 18weeks, so everyone truly is different.
  • I will be 15wks tomorrow with #2 I'm not showing at all either
  • I'm 14 weeks today and am showing a little bit :)
  • I'm already showing but I haven't grown in a while :/
  • I look 'fat' til about 24 wks then it started getting rounder and pooching more
    I don't look 36 wks pregnant lol
    I have definitely gained the weight tho
  • I'm almost 21 weeks & just recently got a little round pooch. Don't worry girl unless your Dr questions your weight!
  • With more children you have, the earlier you'll show. My last pregnancy(4th baby) I started showing just a few weeks into my pregnancy. I'm so scared with this one, because I don't want to have to get maternity clothes yet lol. My jeans are getting snug, but only in the thighs and butt(never had that before)...crossing my fingers I don't have to get a new waredrobe quite yet hah. I'm 6wks&2dys
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