to be married or not to be married??
Okay soooo.. im 17 and my boyfriends 18. both still in high school and im almost 18 weeks pregnant. My mom and older sister want me and my boyfriend to get married so things will be easier. Me and my boyfriend do want to get married, been together for 2 years. But I just don't know if its a good decision? Please help.
My family sorta pushed marriage on us as well but I decided to wait. Whatever you do good luck. And congrats on the lil one.
My bf proposed but I wanted our marriage to be about us being in love, not what we were supposed to do.
Either way. I'm sure you'll make the eight choice, just be completely confident with tour choice!
Here to tell ya.. Getting married is cheap- its divorce that is expensive.
My suggestion, stay together and raise that baby to the best of y'alls ability and later down the road, when you have been together a long time and have seen the best and worst side of your partner... then if you both want- talk about marriage.
This is my opinion and only an opinion... Wait a while. Let the baby come and y'all work on that first. Later, if y'all are still very happy together then talk about marriage. -Take it from someone that has been there.
Just my opinion.