C section or vaginally?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
What do you recommend?


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  • I would say vaginally!!! I wanted to have my first baby like that I was in labor for 2 days and dilated 10 cm but after pain and everything I had to get a c section and fr me it was a very traumatic expirience!! It was very painful afterwards!! But that's my opinion!!
  • Vaginally
  • edited March 2011
    Vaginally I had a c sec durring my last delivery and it sucked I passed out after and didn't see my baby for like 2 1/2 hours but I did hear that vaginally makes you allot more sore down there especially if u get stitches but I did lose feeling in my lower abdomen just on the skin and had a hard time walking for a couple weeks but you never want a c sec there always emergencies but if u end up with one my advice don't freak out try and stay calm it will all be OK I freaked out and couldn't stop shaking it was like when ur shivering and can't stop but that angel is worth it all. ;)
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  • Vaginally but I'm jus scared Idk how ima get my boy outa there
  • Natural here for all 3 no 4 will b no.different unless something life threathing major opp just to painful I'm home the same day if iv harvest bubs early enough my 1 was ny smallest j I had stitches n hemoraged but still went back bub 2 was huge 9lb 12 was stuck they pulled him put no stitches just a graze home over 12 hrs later bub 3 went in had him home 4 hrs later my bed lovely lol next day walking to school sore but tripped all school out Haha . The c/s was brought up with bub 3 I'm like no way hubby nos if its emergency then I'm to b knocked out as NO needle is getting near my back is rather have child birth than a needle in my spine to many risks I feel
  • @ beauty1111 I was on ky knees with bub 3 so easy just breathed him out 8 mins from waters broken till.he was in my arms
  • Vaginally I wish I could ugh ima have another c section in augs I'm scared!
  • Lol, so Vaginally I take it. I'm really petite, will I even be able to do it vaginally? I'm 5'1 and about 90 lbs, fiance is 6'3 and 250. Yikes, should've thought this one out beffffooorre! Lol. Just curious, this is my first. You all say vaginally, but others told me to do a c-section because something about the baby's head? Thank you all sooo much!
  • The Dr will tell u ways best
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  • C section all the way!!!
  • C section and there not only for emergecy you can elect to have one.
  • Hello no not a damn c-section! That shiet hurts excuse my french! VAGINALLY ALL THE WAY! I experienced both I hate surgery, its awful! Am 5'2 & at 15 deluvered a boy at 9 lbs without no medications! Lol
  • Before you make a decision PLEASE watch the business of being born!!!! That and pregnant in America are two very revealing documentaries that I recommend every pregnant woman watch before giving birth. Don't rely on opinions on a forum to make such a huge decision, do some research!!! Good luck!!! :-)
  • Vaginally all the way! You aren't very sore afterwards at all, you don't have to worry about the risks of a c section, you don't have to deal with staples pulling for a week and you pretty much only being able to sit in a recliner to sleep. If you get stitches, they really don't hurt, just have some discomfort with a vaginal delivery. It also depends on your hospitals. Some will not let you choose. So they don't offer elective c sections. My hospital doesn't, and I think its a good idea. As for being petite, that has nothing to do with it. My best friend had her son vaginally 2 years ago, she is the same height and weight as you and she had no problems, also another good friend of mine just had twins vaginally in november 2010. She is 4 feet 9 inches tall and 102lbs pre pregnancy. Her son was 8lbs 4oz and daughter was 7lbs 8oz. Your size has nothing to do with you pushing a baby out, its how your pelvic bone is set. Im 5 feet 3 inches tall and I had my daughter last january 7lbs 9oz and im 28 weeks pregnant with my second, another little girl.
  • I had both my kids via c section in florida at two different hospital and i was aloud to choose elective c section nothing wrong with me ny husband was in the military and it was the only way the would let him off the boat if they had a garunteed date @kayleeandamaiyasmommy
  • My c section went down without a hitch....I was back in the gym 2 weeks later....low impact workout and no weights until 2 months after.... but I've elected 4 my second 2 be c section by choice. It was a no brainer 4 me.....
  • @proudmama2be same here wuth in 3 days i was able to do everything pretty much back to normal and working out with in 2 weeks....i was not much pain at all
  • I had my first 2 vaginally, and #3 was a c-section, I'm gonna try for a vbac cuz it took me forever to lose the weight after this one, pain was minimal, still have my meds n the cabinet cuz I didn't need them. Drs r way good at the surgeries these days. Minimal pain and scaring.
  • edited March 2011
    @keelz I didn't say anything was wrong with you...I said some hospitals wont allow elective c sections, some don't offer it. Im in MN, you will rarely find a doctor to do an elective c section. I wasn't reffering to your post when I answered, I was just stating what I know and my opinion, which is what she asked for :) no one can make her decision for her, only herself and she wanted opinions and information from experiences. :)
  • And my Dr did the incision below the bikini line. Can't even see it...
  • I had a c-section, and I'm doing it again, and I had zero issues. I didn't get staples, my OB actually did my stitches under/behind my skin, it didn't even look like I had stitches, she somehow managed to sew me from the inside, I just had a little tuft of string about 1/4 an inch that hung out the one side. They dissolved on their own and she just plucked the little string when i went back for my 6 week checkup, i didn't even feel it, it probably could have been brushed off.. lol. My scar is barely noticeable, it isn't raised at all and 100% blends in with my skin. Below my bikini line, and only about 5" wide, i have no idea how they took a baby out of it. I was up and walking around the day after and back to exercising within 3-4 weeks.
  • Vaginally, no drugs after practicing relaxing daily for several months. I hope I never have to do it any other way. I hate needles catheters drugs and cutting on me with a knife.
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