mixed babies



  • All my kids are mixed son half Mexican daughter half black and this one half Dominican. My parents raised me to not look at race to see people. They love my kids and have no problem with my rainbow family. They even brag about my kids.
  • Awwwww I love hearing yalls stories it makes me feel better
  • My mother is Haitian and cherokee and my father was Chinese and Black....so I am a cocktail and my husband is italian. I am currently pregnant with our first child and both sides of our families seem to be excited about it. My family is almost completely made up of mixed children and I think it is wonderful.
  • edited March 2011
    My baby is gonna be Mexican/Guatemalin and Bosnian. My family is super happy so is his
  • Im a white south african n mii bf is black .. My parents are really old skool n says that its against the bible to mix races.. N now ik preggo wit a mixed bby n I dnt give a damn! Their kinda gettn over it it seems like thank god... But sometimes I stil feel like their being a li fake.. : /
  • I am white and have red hair my husband is hispanic and asian. My mom really wants a red headed asian baby. Haha that is the only thing anyone has ever said.
  • I'm black and Dominican and my bd is puertorican and Jamaican...so that a crazy mix but our families dnt c race...almost everyone I know is mixed some how....soon there will b no black,white or Spanish they will make up new names lol
  • edited March 2011
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  • edited March 2011
    As you can tell from my pic, I am white and my BD is black. My immediate family (mom, dad, brothers) NEVER for a second cared what my mans color was, all they cared for was that he treated me good & had respect for them. (Which he always has) So needless to say from the beginning they liked him & the more & more they get to know him...the more they love him. My grandmother, aunt & cousin though were a whole nother story, when they first found out I was dating a black man they threw around harsh sterotypes to me and soforth...now me and my BD actually live with them & they too have grown to really liking him & admit they were wrong about judging him without knowing him. My ENTIRE family is beyond excited about our baby, our first mixed baby at that. He or she is going to be sooo spoiled! :)His family though still seems to have a problem with me, don't know why & its to the point were I don't even care. We love eachother tremendously and I would be a complete mess without him in my life.
  • edited March 2011
    Sorry ladies just realized I wrote a damn book on here lol
  • My BD is black white indian irish and something else i'm black indian and puerto rican so our baby will be a heinz 57 lol and both of our families are cool with it but sometimes my side of the family jokes and tell me i'm going to have a white baby buy don't mean anything by it bc my great great grandfather was white so i guess i'm mixed with a lil bit of white also lol
  • Im half native and white my babys father is mexican my family doesn't care... my mom is clearly supportive lol but my dads side prefers if I was with a native
    baby's father wants him to be with a mexican women but they never stop liking me...
    I don't care because there is more to life then being worried about color/race and what others thinks:)
  • My baby daddy is black and I'm Hawaiian Filipino French native American and British... try combining those into a one word name... lolz.. my family initially was like oh he's black... but once they met him they fell in love with him.. as for names were going with white names...
  • I am cuban & my hubby is filipino & guamanian. We have 2 kids this will be our 3rd. For the names son is michael giovanni & daughter is leilani michelle. Not sure which direction we'll go with this one. And both our families didn't have any problems with us dating or getting married or having mixed babies. To be honest our kids look white lol
  • I'm white Italian and my wife is black with mostly a Caribbean family history. Being that we are lesbians we found a gay man who was black Caribbean donor. Just found out last night at the dr. I'm pregnant and I'm so excited. Its our first.
  • Wow so many mixed babies which i think is great! Im mexican and my babydaddy is columbian/puerto rican. I can't wait to see my curly haired baby boy! :)
  • Im cambodian and my husband is black. This is our first baby. I cant wait to see how he or she looks lol. My parents love my husband n his family loves me. But there are alot of mix babies in my family lol
  • I didnt know there was this many im glad I started this converstation
  • Black & Italian.
    first in both families to have mixed babies.
  • Well, Russell Peters says that in a few generations from now, there will only be one race: beige! LOL.
  • My man is 100% Dominican and i'm German, Puerto Rican, Irish, and Cherokee Indian......un sancocho, lol......my son is gonna be soooooooo gorgeous :D i have a feeling he's gonna look more like daddy because daddy has stronger genes than i do :)
  • my first baby is half black and filipino. hes gorgeous!!
  • I'm white and Mexican and my husband is Filipino. And our little mexi-pinos are gorgeous! My family is very accepting of them and I think they tend to get more spoiled than the other kids.
  • My baby daddy is half black and white(i didnt know till I met his mom wen we went on our first date I was like ur moms white!! Lol) im mexican and cuban. :)
  • My family is fine about it :)
  • Im black and my boyfriend is black and asian....we are having a blasian cajun....lol
  • My babysitter father is half Native American and half Hispanic. Im white. My child will be mixed and no one has ever seen a problem in that. I personally love it!!!
  • Haha that sounds wrong my babys father not baby sitter haha dang auto correct
  • im white, my hubby is black..we have a two year old boy and one on the way - both of our families are very supportive :)
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