What will be ur 1st alcoholic drink after baby??



  • nice cold budweiser or a yagerbomb.(:
  • A nice cold corona! And Cuva (squirt and tequila) or tuaca and pineapple juice mmmmm :)
  • edited March 2011
    A healthy glass of red wine. :) Need to keep the heart strong for the little one. According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol in moderation may be good for you, since it raises the good cholesterol, helps prevent blood clots, and assists in preventing artery damage from bad cholesterol. :D Drink away (moderately!), ladies! (As long as you are not breastfeeding, of course!)
  • I do too. I figured I would share it with everyone there and just have an ounce or two. But probably wont be able to convince my hubby to sneak it in. When you get further along with breast feeding though you can drink and then 30 min layer pump and dump the milk out. Not that I did that but I know people who have
  • Big Tex Tea.....or tequila rose.....or a beer or two or three....or four....or more!!! I'm so ready to drink a little!!!
  • Maybe strawberry pina colada
  • @mom2b1890.....mmmm, those r so tastey. Have you ever tried a midori colada?
  • Melon bomb and a jumacin lol how long do u really have to wait after baby is born.
  • I havent rly had ne alcohol drinks besides coolers or sips from peoples I had gatorade n vodka I'm gonna b 21 in may so after the preg I will have my first experiences of drinks well after I'm done bf
  • Sweet european redwine ... yummi :)
  • Pinical wipped cream vodka and pinapple juice! Yummp!! Or some bomb pops!! :p
  • I'm so not looking forward to all the summer bbqs where everyone can drink but me lol
  • Frozen mug with salt on rim, one part michelada mix, one part clamato juice, lime juice, pepper, salt, celery salt, ice cubes mix in a nice cold beer..... Uummmmmm sooooo good!!!!!!
  • a adios mother fucker lol turnin 21 soon after baby is born
  • Margarita and long island ice tea!
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  • Sake bombs with coronas.. (with salt and lime)

    I plan on strictly breastfeeding, but I'm gonna store up for this event about 2-3 weeks after the birth. I'll be drinking, pumping and dumping! LOL
  • Any and everything I can get my hands on!!!
  • Some NUVO...and a BLUNT.... :>
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  • I crave beer and margaritas. But I wanna breastfeed too. Seems like forever!!!
  • Crown royal straight lol :>
  • Some jack daniels mmmm...no wait thats what got me into this mess how about just a glass of moscato lol
  • This post makes me feel like the only person in the world who doesn't drink. Lol
  • an ice cold bud lite lime or corona!
  • Umm that sounds good ghettobetty!!! Ill toast to that :)
  • Mmmm ice cold bay breeze
  • A pitcher of strawberry margaritas on the rocks!
  • Well, I have to be limited on alcohol since I'm on blood thinners, but I am definitely going to have a filthy dirty martini-vodka; not gin; extra olives, tons of olive juice. A huge glass of pink moscato-delish! Sometimes I add black olive juice with the green olive juice, my grocery store has an olive bar so they have a ton of different olives, I think I will do kalamata, bleu cheese stuffed greens ones& cubes of feta. Oh boy, I can almost taste it. Can anyone say pump& dump?!?! =P~
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