how far gone were you when you started showing?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering how far gone people were when they started showing and if you've ever had a child before, same question :)


  • Started showing a little around 18 weeks but really popped at 26 and just got bigger from there! 1st baby
  • I was around 11 weeks when I started showing. I had a miscarriage before.
  • I really want a bump now haha, im only just under 10 weeks but feel like im missing out already aha, woww 18 weeks thats quite far isnt it, i hope i dont wait that long lol and sorry to hear about your miscarriage cait xx
  • I'm 20 weeks & just now have a "baby bump." When I'm out in public, people still don't notice I'm prego. Seriously. This is my first!
  • no way haha, at least when you have a bump develop later in your pregnancy you don't get fed up with it as quickly as you would if you had one at 12 weeks haha. i wonder how far gone im going to be, its so exciting haha. i don't think i'll feel properly pregnant until i have a little bump at least ;p
  • I showed at about 12 weeks in both pregnancys it sucks be glad u don't show till later I mean unless you will people ask how far allong I am and I tell them the say I'm sorry I say for what and they say your gonna be huge and it was true with my first hopefully not so much this time
  • its like learning to drive, you want ur license so bad but when you get it a few weeks of the novelty and after that its boring and don't like driving haha!
  • I was about to post this.. Im 12 weeks..previously miscarried before. I lost 3 stone before i got pregnant and had flat tummy ... Now i have a pop belly... But at 12 weeks i dont know if its the baby!!
  • I have a lil bump at 6 weeks, not my first but I always show early, only with my 1st I didnt show till 10 weeks! N still thts early, I make big bellys! Lmao
  • im an english size 10/12 not sure what that is in your countries but its an average size, not fat not skinny here. and ive got a small belly so i think i'll know when i get a bump. is your belly meant to go really hard just before your bump appears, or is this not true?
  • @mrs_riviere82 wow that is early isn't it, believe it or not i just don't want a huge ugly bump so ive started creaming and moisturising as much as i can so i don't get stretch marks haha. my sister didn't get any, lucky!!
  • This is my 4th .... I starter at 8 to 9 weeks
  • I'm 13 weeks n I'm still not showing its my first. I just look bloated
  • well im 9 weeks and 4 days and no sign of that bump yet, im guessing i'll be around 12-16 weeks. @YNVTish have you been that early with all of your children?
  • i think i want people to ask me in the street if im pregnant. haha, im only young but im so excited now!
  • Im from uk and size 12-14... Trousers dont do up but im still small everywhere but my pop belly.. Bottom of it is so hard..
  • @askim all of my clothes still fit and my jeans do aswell and they were already tight before i was even pregnant, i think ive got a bit of waiting to do before i get a bump haha. see i heard that if your belly starts to go hard then this is like your insides stretching or whatever that causes it to become hard so then your bump will develop, not sure if its fact but yano!
  • @josiemariemummytobe with all mine I popped out quick.
  • My clothes fit still but I cant button my pants! Althogh I do make big belly, they r very cute n round, I also have very few strech marks! I do get a lot of nice comments on my big bellys! & I use the same tecniques as others! I use Palmers cocoa butter n oils!
  • I'm 14 weeks 2 days with my first and I noticed my belly poking out last week. Now my pants don't fit except the lowriders and some of my less stretchy shirts aren't fitting. I basically live in yoga pants and tanktops. Nobody else except my husband and my mom have noticed a difference. I'm still too small to have strangers walk up and touch me :) I just look kinda chubby.
  • I am only 9 weeks and I have had maternity pants on the past 2 weeks. I look like I am 5 months along. And this is our 3rd. :)
  • i think im going to have to wait a while for my bump to arrive! yeah im using jergan naturals cocoa butter moisturiser :) xx
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