keep or terminate?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 6 weeks pregnant with my second child. I was only with the father a week then he broke up with me, 8 days later I found out I was pregnant. I told him. He said its not his, if I try get any cash or anything from him he will make all our lives miserable and he sent his family to threaten me. Now I dunno wat to do. I've always been anti abortion but I need to think or my son and my safety, need advice, should I say sod it and keep the baby and bring up 2 children on my own or should I get rid?


  • You can do it. But ill be praying. Just because your not with the babies father doesn't mean you can't bring such a precious gift into this world. I have faith in whatever choice you decide to make. Nothings "never" easy I know. Good luck in the decision you make. And let the family threaten, that's why you get a DNA test at birth and prove them wrong.
  • Keep it ur mother didn't abort u did she
  • Yes you can do it. I'm against abortions too. Its not the babies fault he's a jack@ass.
  • Apparently I better not try get a dna test or I will regret it. His family have quite a reputation so rather not cross them
  • It's ur decision n no one can make it for u. No one knows what u r going thru or ur struggle. Talk to mom or a close friend that knows u better...... Be prepared, that's always a touchy subject on here
  • This is always a very touchy subject on this forum. This, unfortunately, isn't something any one of us can give you an answer to. This is something you need to decide for yourself. I say to think about each scenario thoroughly before you make an decision. Just remember there is always legal recourse.

    @Mzfeliz let's be nice, that wasn't exactly what she was looking for, I'm afraid.
  • Do what u think is right. Do you have support system?
  • My baby daddy denied mine then too now he is all supportive just give it time ...if not u can do it alone and if they r threatening u call the police
  • If i were in your shoes, i would keep the baby.....after the baby is born, go to court for child support--he will be mandated to take a DNA test by the court if he denies the child is his.....keep the baby, mama.....don't ruin a relationship with a child who will love you unconditionally just because some asshole doesnt want to step up and be a dad.....he wanted the pleasure, so now he's got to man up and pay the price.....
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  • sorry, a**hole, i know they hate swearing on here......but make your decision based on what is in your heart; no one can really know what your situation is right now, you are the only one who does....good luck to you and baby :) <3
  • I have no support, i would have to go to the clinic alone or bring the baby up alone. I suffered terrible post natal depression with my son, if I keep the baby and suffer again this time ill have 2 children to look after as well. I have so many things to consider but the more time I take to think the harder its getting coz the baby is developing.
  • Wow sounds like u should get the police involved ... stay strong hun
  • If it were me I'd keep the baby. I wouldn't be able to give up a child of mine just because of who the father is. It sounds like his family is just trying to scare you. Just don't let them scare you into doing something you don't want to do. Good luck, I hope you get through this without any trouble from them.
  • Another option besides abortion is adoption. Just something to think about. If keeping the baby leaves the option of your ex having any form of contact with the child, it could be more harmful than not. I personally don't support abortion, but you need to do what you feel is best for you and the baby.... FYI I was adopted by a wonderful family, so I may be biased. I'm praying for you. Follow your intuition and don't let anyone tell you you are wrong.
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  • Then don't get a DNA test. You're already a Mommy to one, you can do it again! Baby's are blessings & even if the situation feels impossible! Good luck Momma, & sorry he's treating you this way :(
  • Coz I feel involving the police will make it worse, they are the kind of family who don't take kindly to having police involved. I'd rather move then make it worse. they know where I live, I don't wanna put my son in any more danger.
  • Wait, I'm confused about the timing! Im truly not trying to be rude and I promiiissseee im not judging but are you totally sure its his?
  • I think you should do what's best for you. Pregly Is nice, but none of us will be there to help you. It's a hard situation to be in. But your only six weeks, so now it the time to make your choice. Think fast mama. And good luck with everything.
  • Why is everyone automatically saying keep it? Way to confuse someone. You have the right to make a choice but this is not something we can give advice on. Only YOU can decide. We can SUPPORT your choice but not encourage either having it nor having an abortion.
  • And yes its his, hasn't been anyone else since November! U don't know when we were together so how can u work out the timing? Ur comment is. Understandable but I am 100% sure who the father is.
  • everyone's body is different @celiaagnes & @mummy2rhys09
  • edited March 2011
    I took an early detection test before my missed period. just worked it out, was 8 days after we split I did the test so more then a few days, sorry. 3 days before my period was due
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  • Man f his family get an order of protection on u n ur son n since ur pregnant if anyone puts their hands on u they still going to jail anyway u can't b scared girl I really am against abortion n if u wanna keep it keep it its ur family
  • Sorry I just read your post and it said you were with him a week, broke up then found out you were pregnant. I sweaaaaar I swear I swear I was not suggesting ANYTHING negative. Maybe I read wrong! Either way, this IS your choice. The advice you will get here will be based on opinion, none of us truly know you - I for one am pro choice and believe that you should do what is best for YOU at this point. Here if ya need to talk. Ive been in your shoes and have also had to make the decision
  • @almost4 her choice will be the right choice, very well said
  • edited March 2011
    @praying4our3rd Tbh right now this baby isn't my priority, my priority is my 2 year old son. I'm not saying I won't love this one if I keep it but its not here yet, my son is. I need to consider how this will effect him, not just what I want.
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