young Military wife

Hey there ladys... I'm new to this ... found out I was pregnant last month so wasn't ready for this but here I am 8 weeks ... don't ever rely on birth control.... any advice from new moms or even soon to be moms.. let me know what your going through or advice.. morning sickness is kicken my ass


  • hang in there! My sis is stationed at ft bliss with her husband and she has number four on the way. I'm in the guard and my fiance and I are 4 weeks along with our first. The military has TONS of benefits you can use. Be sure to get on wic and food stamps if you qualify unless you already have. Best of wishes!
  • Ha thanks... its going to be a long 30 weeks lol
  • Welcome @mrs_mendoza2511! There are many of us on the military side of things. :) I am soon to be married to a wonderful man who is heading into the army in June. We are trying to conceive already for personal reasons (mainly, my critically ill parent).

    Morning sickness can be helped in a few ways. Dry cereal, crackers, and toast are great things to keep around - keep a small baggie in your purse, in the car, on your desk, and by your bed. Exercise also helps, but not within an hour of eating a meal. Try not to lie down within thirty minutes of a meal, either. Avoid fatty foods for the most part, especially around the times you experience morning sickness. Also, try to avoid the heat or a warm, stuffy room as much as possible, as it can be a trigger for nausea.

    Keep fluids in you as much as possible. If you are getting dehydrated, make sure you have Gatorade on hand - a "light" flavor you can stomach, such a blueberry, rather than a citrus flavor.

    If it gets to be too much, speak to your doctor about getting a prescription for an anti-nausea medicine safe for pregnancy. A great page of information for morning sickness causes, concerns, and tips is here ( I hope this helps you out a little!
  • edited March 2011
    @momma2be1990. Same goes to you and thanks.. hope all goes well
  • edited March 2011
    @fingerscrossed Thank you sooo much And it helped :) I wish u the best of luck. And feel free to chat when ever :)
  • Hey girl wat branch?? My hubby is air force..I out honorably. I'm 19, 20 on may 8th, 13w2d. Edd Sept 26..Wbu??
  • Hello... he's army but I have family in air force. :) my dd is oct 25th :)
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