I seriously just stayed up till 12am to see what my baby looks like at week 10
I love my lil bebe already..

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- mrs_mendoza2511
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mrs_mendoza2511I seriously just stayed up till 12am to see what my baby looks like at week 10
I love my lil bebe already..
March 2011 -
oh ok. well lets hope he is all done n ready when the baby comes. I was ready as I felt like I knew I wanted a baby already it was time. but my gf has been helping me mature. she was like "i have 9 months to make u mature"March 2011
FirstTimeDaddyIs he abusive now. ? hopefully he will come around. so how r u doin. everything chill?
oh. ok. ic thats cool. found like something fun my god mother us a beautician. she makes bank. so where is ur family at. y dont u guys move to where ur fam can help. or is that not an option?March 2011
FirstTimeDaddythey think u guys r just friends. lol thats too much. so do u think his dam will like u? r they happy about the baby? r u gonna tell ur fam anytime soon? just curious (:
mrs_mendoza2511Hey srry if you got the last message like 30 times.. its not showing you got it so I kept posting it. :( and yes his ma loves me just by talking on the phone and sseeing pics of me and she can't wait for the baby... there hispanic of course they excited to have more in there fam lol... they had a celebration when they heard my husband knocked some french native hawaiian up lmao. Idk but I can't wait to meet them they sound like tons of fun lol abd as far as my fam goes idk if I will tell them lol they think were engaged now but nothing else lol I'm just soo young and this happend to fast. We want to be married for a while till this happened :( lol oh well
FirstTimeDaddylol its ok. n yea well im mexican. so yea I know what u mean. we love big families. im happy to getting 4 kids in one (: both our families r very brolly. but I think mine more. I have 4 older sisters. they got a bunch of kids. im the baby n its my first so yea (: how old r u?
mrs_mendoza2511Lol yeah I love the fact thatt I will always be able to have hispanic food... lol and a bigger family. And I'm 19 and husbands 24
FirstTimeDaddylove the food. hm. 19 isnt too going. love knows no age. my gf is 22 n has a 7. 5. 3 yr olds n prego. my sisters had their first child at 18 or younger too. im the only one this old w barely first kid on the way. lol. my parents were younger than I am mow when they had me their last.
mrs_mendoza2511I know I just wanted to live more before I had a family. Plus me and my husband are off in on. Its kinda sucken.
mrs_mendoza2511Awww well imm glad at least one guy I know on here has grown up lol. I'm still waiting for mine to. But good luck to you guys :) keep me up dated on her process :)
mrs_mendoza2511Mmm he's happy bout it but he just has certan things he needs to change before this baby comes : / and that's good mines next Thursday. Let me know how everything goes :)
mrs_mendoza2511Yeaah like I just think if it keeps up he might become abusive he treats me good other then when we argue... I'm not really sure what to do. Plus ill end up stuck in cali if I move there.. and no I won't find out the sex till like 20 weeks ... and yes I was very dehighdrated they gave me 2 IV bags :)