Dr says natural birth with no pain meds is stupid...

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I had my dr appt today and I asked him what his views on natural childbirth were and he flat out said "i think its stupid". He recommends getting the epidural or some sort of pain management. I told him that I've heard alot of stories about epidurals causing problems for some women and he told me having kids at all causes back problems from bending down and carrying the kids. Now I'm not sure what to do. I was planning on an all natural birth and now I'm confused. Help?


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  • It's your labor and delivery. Do what u feel comfortable doing. Pain is different for everyone. And really its childbirth its gonna kick the u know what out of u. LOL don't listen to the doc he's not the one delivering
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  • I work in l&d you can decide not to have an epidural. Its your choice not your doctors. It just depends on how you handle pain. It can sometimes be hard finding a new doctor depending on how far along you are. Good luck and know that most people do get an epidural and the few who don't usually deliver faster because they can feel where they need to push. As for me I don't handle pain well and planning on getting one!
  • edited March 2011
    He's a male. He said that the pain is unnecessary. I still want a natural childbirth and he said its all up to me but the stress from the pain causes the labor to take longer.
  • Since you used HE I'll assume its a male. How stupid is that. He can't even give you first hand experience reasoning! Tell him to f*ck himself and/or find a new dr!
  • I honestly think your doctor should listen to YOUR wishes, regardless of the wish... I am hopeful to go natural this time, but openminded to another medically nessecary epidural should I need one; I don't think there's anything worse than a dr who tries to force you into their personal opinion. I would look for a new doctor. Good luck! =) Remember: this is YOUR body & YOUR baby!
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  • I think bc his obligation as a doctor is to take your pain away is the reason he thinks its crazy but... he should still be supportive either way you decide
  • @mah42010- I'm 7 months along. Would that be too late?
  • Try not to worry too much. Just hope for a good nurse who will listen to your wishes and if not request one that will.
  • He probably thinks it's stupid because if they give you pain meds, they can give you meds to speed it up too...which you know doctors want to get the baby out as fast as possible. But I agree, I would find a new dr or a midwife....
  • It's very rare a doc will take u that far along
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  • It just depends on your doctor. See if he has a partner. They have to transfer your care. See if he will be the doctor doing your delivery or not. Some doctors may do all your prenatal care but may not do the the delivery
  • I think your doctor is speaking from what he has seen with his experiences in a delivery room. We are about to have our 4th child and its hard work (labor and delivery). I don't think he meant it the way you may have heard it. I think he just meant that with medicine being where it is today that no woman should go through that pain...trust me, it sucks. I have had a non medicated birth and one with meds. The one without meds took longer for me, but each woman and each delivery is different. If you feel like you can do a non-medicated birth then more power to you, just be prepared for them to offer you medicine non stop. The pain sucks and no one wants to see another human being in that much pain and discomfort.
  • Thank you ladies. I understand that he was just been blunt about ur and not sugar coating it. Thats one thing I like about him. I think I will write up a detailed birth plan. My husband is behind any of my decisions 100% and so is my sister. I'm open to an epidural if its just too painful but I really want it to be all natural.
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  • My mother had 5 kids naturaly and 4 of us weighted over 9lb and the last one 10lb and were all in perfect conditions since birth. Defenantly look for a diffrent doc. Natural birth is the best disition
  • Most of the replies here seem ridiculous. You asked your doctor's opinion. He gave it to you. You said nothing of the doctor not supporting your choice. Just because a doctor doesn't tell you what you want to hear is not a good reason to find another doctor.
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  • edited March 2011
    Find a new doctor he's telling you the epi is ok to hurt your back because women are weak and instead of strengthening your arms, abs and back your kids will give you back problems, either way you'll get them is his message. Hello he should be focusing on preventing injury not trying to make you think your back is going to hurt one way or another. He does things his way and won't listen to you.. What happens is he will think he is right on your concerns later on if you have any scares and he could be wrong for trusting himself instead of listening to you and it could end up harming you and your baby. You need a doc with the patients interest in mind. He showed his opinion and its not what anyone wants a doc who thinks he knows everything.
  • He has said that its my decision but he believes in easier ways. I'm too far along for other doctors to take me on. I will just have to have a detailed birth plan and make my wishes known.
    @jodsh- its that he was so rude about it. And if he's that rude now I can only imagine what he will be like during delivery.
    He's actually a very g ood dr and there are no complaints on him. I think he will let me decide and not push to much for the meds but he was making his beliefs on the subject clear. I can only hope that I will have the birth I want.
  • Your doctor being rude is, in my opinion, a good reason to find a new doctor. But that's not what I took from the op. I took that you asked. An opinion and got exactly what you asked for. Not that you told the doc you were planning on a natural birth and he then said that was stupid. Being rude is different than giving an opinion you asked for but didn't want to hear.
  • @jodsh its not that I didn't want to heart it. But he could have been a little nicer as I told him I'm planning on all natural. I appreciate his bluntness and sharing his full opinion since I am a first time mother and looking for different views. He could have just been a little more considerate.
  • No doubt he could have been. Now you've got to decide whether an othwise good doc is worth giving up. Good luck in whatever you decide.
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