October moms when did you start feeling sick?



  • I am bout 6 weeks. Miscarried my last pregnancy at 6 weeks and didnt find out till my 3 mnth scan :-( so im a bit nervous around now. This is my 1st child and have been feeling sick for bout a week but still havent actually thrown up yet. Alot of nausia
  • I'm 12 wks and just puked for the first time today...I've been feelin nausea for like 4 daays
  • I had morning sickness for the first 20 weeks last time, it was awful. I've been sick since six weeks so far, they gave me a prescription for zofran at my appointment yesterday, it doesn't make it go away, but at least I can eat now!
  • I am ten weeks have felt sick from day one. That's how I first knew I was pregnant.
  • I felt fine untill I got to my 11th week now I've puked everymorning since then...lol but I feel a lot better aferwards! :-D
  • From day one.
  • I have been nauseous almost every waking moment for weeks. No vomiting, thankfully.
  • I was really sick with the flu about 2 weeks ago and I was really nauseous but I didn't know I was pregnant yet. I haven't had any morning sickness but I knew i was pregnant because my boobs are sore and hard! It's terrible lol this is my second baby.
  • I started getting morning sickness around 4 weeks and it lasted till I was 8 weeks. Im now 12 weeks and 3 days and I feel great!
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