I'm breaking up with my Prenatals... opinions please.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I can no longer take these nasty fishy prenatals. I absolutly hate fish to begin with. I find myself skipping days sometimes, and I know I shouldn't. I was looking at Flinstone Gummies, but there are different kinds, lol. So which one? Do they have sour ones? I'd be in loce again!


  • You could try the Vita fusion prenatals. They sell them at target for 12. Theyre a lil but sour and come in 3 different flavors, lemon, berry and cherry
  • Mmmm, I like lemon. But no Target for an hour..
  • I got all natural vitamins from walmart and they never made me sick or anything!! They are by the gummy prenatals!
  • Wal-Mart has them too. I got mine there.
  • glad you posted this I broke up with mine on monday I just cant stomach it anymore I have a dr appointment tomorrow so I am going to ask him for his advice on it but I am sick of being sick from prenatals. Also does anyone start to feel sick every few hours if they dont eat? I get nauseous if I dont snack on something every couple hours its getting annoying.
  • I hardly ever take mine :/ my baby is doing great tho :)
  • Yeah, I asked my doc, he said he couldn't prescribe something else.. I was a little annoyed at that, but whatever. They don't make me sick, I'm just tired of tasting fish when I swallow it and when I burp... for HOURS! I'll look better tomorrow.
  • I don't care to take it, but naturally I don't eat or drink a lot throughout the day, even still, so I find it essential for the baby's sake.
  • @Samantha that is me all the way. I have 3 pills to take. I'm suppose to take 1 every 8hrs. I'm sick of all these damn pills I only take 1. On the 29 is my next appt n I can't wait to get something different. I hope they can write a script for the gummies. Lol
  • I take mine right when I know I'm falling asleep....don't get so queasy that way
  • I take the prenate dha its one pill and no fish taste or burping ask your Dr for a script
  • I had no clue there were gummie prenatal vitamins.. I've been taking ones called preg-vit. Take one in the morning and one before bed. More expensive than normal and you need a prescription bit they don't make u feel ill.
  • @marriedwith_3 I couldnt imagine taking 3 pills. ick. LOL I tried taking a tylonel for my headache and it made me sick too. I tried taking my prenatals with breakfast (so I had something in my stomach and then continue eating so i had something after I took it as well) didnt work, so I tried with lunch didnt work, and I get more sick at night and tried that as well just made me worse. I would have the hardest time sleeping from being so nauseaous. just a lose lose situation I need something different
  • I liked tje gummy ones for a little bit but taking them every day made me hate the taste. So i switched to a tasteless one i van take at night before bed.
  • My best friend gave me her old prenatals (she had a mc) and there where two different kinds, turned out I was taking the wrong kind she informed me. I was super excited at first because I wasnt getting sick lol. I guess its a kind that you can take as an extra but it doesnt have everything you need. I guess I need to read bottles haha
  • walmart sells the vitafusion prenatal gummys for $12
  • @shmegs yea they have a funny after taste after a while, so I take them every two days. but you take two a day
  • N they don't make you ill. Hungry as all hell thou
  • The thing with mine is I have to take it 1hr b4 a meal or 2-3 hours after eattin. Oh n they r b6 but o still get sick so its really no purpose
  • I heard flinstone ones are good to take as well?
  • edited March 2011
    @firstmama Ya two a day.. the doc told me its the iron and calcium is the one a day pills that can make some moms ill. So the morning one has the iron to give you the energy for the day and the calcium at night. Felt much better taking these ones. The last pill is was taking was called Maturna. It was fine no aftertaste just made me feel ill.
  • My doc said the fish taste is the dha. I'm prescribed concept dha.. hate them. If they were a powder pill I'd put it in a drink, buf nooo, its gooey inside.. blah
  • I take one a day vitamens with the two bottles. I heard they are amazing for babies but make u extremly sick. I masterd how to take em without puking :D lol
  • My mom didnt take prenatals with any of her pregnancies and every baby came out fine...I took mine up until 2 months ago and I've had doc appts/ultrasounds since and my babys doing fine...(I'm 32weeks 2days)
  • @samantha.... I am right there with u on the sick if I don't eat. I feel like its all I do. And I have terrible "placenta brain" as my Dr once called it. And I can't seem to remember to take my pills, lol... but I can't remember much of anything, lol
  • My midwife said if you can't stomach the prenatals then just take 2 chewables a day, like flinstones! Its better than nothing!
  • Oh I am right there with you, I am forgetting everything lately. I will ask my boyfriend something then 2 seconds later ask it again. I swear right now if my head wasnt attached I would have lost it somewhere. Its crazy how forgetful being pregnant makes you. I sure hope I am not like this when the baby gets here lol
  • I am taking Rainbow Light Prenatal One. You can get them from whole foods. It is a food based multivitamin, so they are gentle on the stomach. I haven't had a problem at all.
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