how long have you been with your partner?



  • On june 26 it will be 8 years
  • We were together for a month and a half when iwe found out I was 3 or 4 weeks along. It came soon but iv never been with a more caring and respectful man.. he deals with my pregnant butt so well. He makes me feel beautifulv and calls me any chance he can at work to make sure I'm ok. Were 31 weeks along now and were still going strong. We went thru some very rough times in the beginning but its all been worth it.. couldn't be blessed with more.
  • Me and my baby's father was together since 2008 on and off.....
  • 7 years been married 6 years come the 18th. Known him for 15 years. Whew I feel old now haha
  • 4years together 2 of those have been married..
  • 8 years in July
  • Friends for 12 years, married for 7 years!
  • 3 years, knpwn eachother 13 yrs, since kindergarten
  • 4 yrs. ;;)
  • We been together for 4 yrs married for 2
    We got married on Halloween lol
  • We have known each other for almost 6 years now. We have been an item for 9 months. We have been ttc for 4 months :( no luck yet.
  • 1 year 8 months:)
  • Been together foralmost 5 years, married for one year on march 18.....the last 5 years have been the most amazing 5 years of my life....I'm truely blessed!!
  • Can someone help me I feel like my man doesn't give two shits about me and the baby I am now 9 wks and he already has 2 kids I'm so excited and he's not and it hurts please help someone
  • Been together since'll be 5 yrs July 14th..nd we are expecting our 2nd bby to complete our lil famo..we have a son thts 2 nd we are expecting a girl..but not sure if we would ever get married =\ his famo hates Me nd my famo love him..Idk very complicated but definitely not having any more babies until he marries me or if it doesn't work out I'd have to say I'm done having kids unless Mr right comes along...ugh y is it tht women can be ready to.commit nd get married but men can't
  • edited March 2011
    12 and a half years. We met my first day of college when I was barely 18, turning 31 this year.
  • 3 years & 4 months<3
  • We will be together 15 yrs in august... Im still so In love with him
  • Known him/best friends for 4 years and together for 2 years and 2 months(:
  • A year on June 30
  • Known him 4 years started dating 7 months ago, engaged 5 months ago and im about 8 weeks prego!
  • Been together 3 years. Married a year and a half.
  • edited March 2011
    2 months... but we knew each other back in high-school.... we reconnected and we decided I should move here to Tennessee.... :X
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  • We've been friends for close to 8 years..together for 3 years in October. Preggo with our first :)
  • My husband and I met when I was 15 we were together 2 years and have been married for 5 on march 29th.
  • I've been with mine for 16 years and married for 10. X
  • I've known him13yrs.been together almost 12yrs and married almost 10yrs.
  • We have been together for 8 years and married for 4. We tried for 2 years to have a baby and it's finally here! Only 20 days to go!
  • Known each other for 2 together for a year on Feb 1st was going to get married June 11 but we can wait till baby gets here :)
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