how long have you been with your partner?



  • Been together 7 1/2 years, married for 6 years.12 weeks pregnant with #3.
  • On October 11 it will b 7 years!!
  • Just made 5yrs on monday. Been together since we where 16. :) hes a jerk but I love him lol
  • Oh we have a 3yr old boy and im 5wks with #2. Sooooo hoping its my girl lol
  • 5 years. Got pregnant with our first after only 1 month of being together. Now expecting our second and couldn't be happier. He is the best!
  • It will 15 yrs for me and my husband in august.. This is the 5th and last baby lol, this lil bundle is a girl we already have 3 boys and 1 girl...
  • Together 3 years on 7/11, married three years on 12/23. <3 we are having our second in Aug. He is my best friend and I have been in love with him since our first date.
  • 'Offically' Only a little over 7 months. :-| But literally together 24/7 since, :) up until recently anyways. It all went so fast, but I've never, ever been so sure about anything in my life, except for my Timothy. <3
  • Together 6 years married for 2 on April 11th and have never spent an anniversary together... maybe next year.
  • @BrookeNTony random that we have the same name and same whens your due date??
  • Be together for 6yrs married for 5yrs
  • Will be together 10 years in july will be married for 8 years in feb 2012
  • 1 awesome year! Im 23 and he is 47! Is just amazing how happy he make me feel everyday :X young guys dont know anything about treat a woman like a queen!
  • 6mths ttc#1
  • Known each other since elementary school..yesterday made 2 yrs together.
  • Been married for almost 6 years and together almost 8. Love him more every day.
  • Been together for 9 years, married for almost 8. Got married at 19 years old. :X
  • Ummmm known him 9mos, been dating since I found out I was pg at 3mos. Due in a week. Not quite as romantic as you all :/ not even as much as a promise ring in sightt.
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