6weekss pregnant but no symptoms

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hi im 6weeks pregnant....for the past week ive had almost every symptom of pregnancy, feeling sick, tender breast, tiredness, mood swing and a horrible taste in my mouth along with 6 positive pregnancy tests...
Today I have woke up not feeling pregnant. Iam feeling quite worried as I had a misscarriage in january at 6weeks
Does anyone else feel like this x


  • I'm 6 weeks today too. For the past 3 weeks I have been cramping. Yest and today I feel fine. I still have a belly ache and go #2 a lot.. my boobs don't hurt as bad either, unless I lay on them weird.
  • I haventt had any cramping at all.....my breasts dont hurt but they r still a bit fuller...being pregnant is very worrying....:-(
  • Ohhh and congrats on ur pregnancy have u been booked in for a ultra sound?
  • You will have your days, I didn't even know I was pregnant that soon. As long as there is no pain or blood you are fine :)
  • I am going through the same thing I think it makes you more nervous after a misscarriage because I wasn't like this w my first bbys but after misscarring I have been overly cautious w the last bby n this one if you're worried just go to the Dr just to get checked good luck :)
  • Thanks yh it is hard after a m/c...with my first I was fine then I has a miscaariage then had another fine pregnancy so have 2 kids...i had a mc in august and one in january...think bcuz I have found out so early im expecting sympoms all the time wen I no deep down tht pregnancy hormones can cum and go n still have a normal pregnancy
  • From about 5 weeks until I was about 13 weeks I didn't feel prego at all.. and then I started getting normal prego symptoms that I had heard about! @leggs2011, the cramping is your uterus growing.. you'll feel cramps for a while and they may even get pretty sharp at times.. its just your body stretching and adjusting for baby! Drinking lots of water will help with cramps! As for going number 2, don't get used to it... one week you'll have the runs, and then you'll feel backed up for a week or so.. when you're backed up, miralax really helps & most drs recommend it (my moms a dr) its powder like and you put it in any drink you want.. shake it up.. and drink it. Doesn't have a taste.. it helps without making you feel like you're about to go all over yourself! I use it myself!
  • Thanks for the number 2 tip lol....never heard of it but will bear it in mind lol :-)
    I have my first ultra sound 5th april will b just ova 8weeks....but really think I need reassuring...my doctor is rubbish and didnt make me feel positive about my pregnancy at all...he only prescribed 28folic acid rather than 3months luckily I had been taking my own...he also told me tht I may not be pregnant as after 3minutes a pregnancy test automatically turns into a positive...strange doctor really dont think he knew what he was talkin about
  • I am 6wks and 1 day. I went to the er because I was having sharp pains in my stomach. After several hours they told me that they think I may have an etopic pregnancy. I am terrified. I really don't understand how this happens....
  • Ohhh no thts awful....but make sure they r absolutly certain tht its ectopic b4 they do anythin as they can b wrong....
  • @lianne last sat I went to the er b.c. I had light bleeding when I pee. So I got an u.s already. They saw the sac and baby :) I only saw the sac though. (They had to call a tech in b.c. they first doc didn't see baby) the tech didn't move the screen so I could see baby. He was made to come in for me so I think he hated me. Lol.

    I am to go back today for a check up. But my 'real' first appt is april 11th. Yuck.. paperwork. Lol..

    @mommy3 well poo... :( I was hoping the runs would go away! Haha.. the doc tried telling me its the prenatal vitamins. But I know its not. I've been taking those things for months since we were trying to concieve.

  • Ohhhh well gud luck for april...it seems so long away...i hate waiting n not knoowing...april the 5th cnt come quick enuf 4 me xx
  • Right! The doc had me scared shitless b.c. he said they can't see a heart beat.. but I had read where many woman can't til week 9 or more.. so idk what he was thinking..

    Good luck to you too hun.. hope this baby sticks for you. :)
  • Ohhh well ur six weeks just so wouldnt c anything anyway....just stay positive....docs are poo t put it politly....hope all goes well for u keep me posted....and thnks xx
  • Forgot to say my doc appt went well today. Still no heart beat obviously. But my qaunt level more then quadrupled so that's good. He wants me to come in weekly until they hear they heart beat. But I hate that vag probe plus I work. So its a waste to me..

    If after the april 11th appt there is not heart beat then I'll go in weekly.

    Let me know how your pregnancy goes.
  • Ohhhh hope it doesnt drag for u....r they checking ur hcg levels?
    Hope everything goes well for u and please keep me posted....
    I will let u no how everything goes this end....woke up today feelin so tired n a bit sick...maybe tired as had t go emergency docs with my 6yr old early hours for a really bad cough been t c my doc this morning turns out another asthma attack so hes on steriods again bless him....xx
  • Silly me yes they are checking your levels. As long as they are ok that must mean pregnancy is progressing. Xxx
  • Embrace going potty potty (#2) it wont last on a regular basis!
  • @lianne yup its progressing. I decided to just wait til the 11th to go back. My hubby is going to go with so I hope we can hear babies heartbeat by then. We should.

    @caroline8_p gaaaaah.. its been a month or maybe more and I still have horrible gross #2! :( I am soo sick of it.. I feel like I am loosing all my fluids.. so I worry a bit. I sure hope it stops soon.
  • How far are u now legs ? Ihave my 1st scan one week today feeling nervous plus scared.....how r u feeling?
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