Sceaming, crying, bawling, mad!!!!!!

I'm sitting in our bathroom bawling my eyes out! Today is my favorite day of the whole year, my fav color is green, I'm loving my new less stress job, I was suppose to ovulate today! Today was going to be the best day of my life & I went to bathroom & instead of ovulation there it period.........what?!?! Your freaking kidding me right!!!!! Why why why am I being punished!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


  • Oh sweetie...I am so, so, so, so sorry. It sounds like you're going thru the ringer trying to be a mommy. I wish I could give you a huge hug, I couldn't imagine going thru any of this. >:D< hopefully your time will come very soon.
  • I feel like that every month :( its hard wanting something so bad, than one day you know you have to wait another momth :( I'm so sorry love.
  • Have u had sex in the last week to few days? If you have you may have ovulated and be prego. If you aren't just keep your head up cause God will give you a baby when the time is right I promise
  • @MrsDelRae Thank you! Yes this rollercoaster is a very difficult one. I want nothing more than to be a mommiy, & be blessed to carry a miracle in my womb! This is so hard not knowing day to day what my body is deciding to do :'( @LovelyMarie I completely feel ur pain! @Proudmomma Yes we had sex on Monday. Af is pretty heavy right now :'( :-/
  • edited March 2011
    Oh and sex Friday night, then on Sat late afternoon started to bleed. It stopped Sunday night.
  • Have You talked to your dr about fertility shots? Or ivf?....
  • @Praying_4_twins I don't know if you mentioned this already but did you go to a fertility specialist and get a full work up? Before they gave me Clomid they wanted to see if everything was working the way it was suppose to on both of us. Some of these test were very painful but the figured out that I just needed Clomid for alittle help.
  • @snreda He put me on clomid. He hasn't mentioned alternatives yet. :'( This on off period thing is really getting on my nerves!!!!!!!
  • @grnfish73 Yes hubby & I both had test done. Hubby is all great & they put me on birth control a while back to "kickstart" my system & it did just that. Af dec20-jan19 & it was very very heavy, I went to the er a few times bc my body started to go into shock. I missed several days of work bc I couldn't even get out of bed unless I was going to the bathroom, I experienced the worst pain ever! Jan 19 af stopped & the dr gave me 50 mg of clomid, from jan 19-march 2 no sign of af, took several test all bfn, then March 3 af took 2nd round of clomid (100 mg) &now this :( sorry, you probably didn't want that long story.
  • Well ill keep praying for you. It took 4 rounds and a M/C to finally have my first and my second was a surprise baby. This one I had to go on Clomid again. So you never know. Keep the faith. And don't stress. I know (believe me) I know its easier said than done. Good Luck Hun!
  • Sorry to see your still having trouble, just remember my story and keep your hopes up. Now that I'm finally pregnant, and getting close to my due date, the 4 years of trying and it not working doesn't even matter anymore and seems like a distant memory
  • @sgthalesbabies Thanks hun!!!!! I'm trying to stay positive, its just hard.
  • I know how you feel @prayin_4_twins. I am going thru a similar situation as you. Before I got put on the right meds I would have af for 5 weeks and 1 week off. Now we are trying another fertility med along with my tumor has worked to produce eggs and ovulate. I hope they can figure out whats wrong with your system soon. Prayers and baby dust your way hun. xxxxxx!!!
  • @needamiracle Thank you!!! To u too! & What meds did they switch you too? Do you know the name?
  • I have a list...I will tell you what they are and what the do. Bromocriptine aka parlodel- its a med that is used for pituitary tumors. Those types of tumors block hormones that cause ovulation. So that's why it causes a person to bleed so often. Femara- is a med that works directly on the olvaries to help stimulate ovulation. Hcg shot aka orvadel- induces ovulation, so they know an egg actually released. Progesterone cream- to help with the implantion of the fertilized egg. We are also doing iui's just to up the chances on it actually working! Hope this helps prayin_4_twins!!
  • Yes, Thank you! I have an appointment on Monday, they were suppose to check my progesterone levels, but.......guess they won't need to. :( My stupid insurance thanks to our leader Obama.....anyway it sucks & they won't pay for any fertility now.
  • Wow, im sorry. I don't like obama...not that that has anything to do with this...but I don't. Well it doesn't hurt to ask them about a pituitary tumor. All they have to do is an mri. Alot of people have them and don't know. I would also ask if they know what's wrong and why you don't ovulate. Because they might have you on the wrong meds. Ask them not to code it as a fertility problem if you have tests to find out why you don't ovulate, otherwise your insurace wont cover it at all.
  • @needamiracle Thank you! So helpful! They did a few ultrasounds of my uterus & ovaries & said everything looked normal, all was the correct size.
  • @prayin_4_twins, my mom didn't talk about the whole pregnancy subject with me very often.. & once I got about 17 I asked her why she had my sister & I ten years apart.. she said she had a m/c before I came along & had six m/c before my sister came along, but she swore to herself she'd stay positive & wouldn't give up. She knew how much I begged for a sibling & I was ten yrs old & younger so I didn't understand why I was alone, and I'm sure it didn't make her feel any better.. just know that things CAN get better! Just takes faith & hope! You can do this! Try not to let it stress you! I just wanna hug you honestly!
  • @mommy3 Thank you & hugs!!! My brother & I are 8 yrs apart (I'm the oldest & we are the only 2) My mom says look how long it took me to have Matt and I just cry bc I tell her but you don't understand my pain bc u already had me :( I guess I view it differently bc I don't have any children :'( I just want to be a mommy! I am trying to stay positive! Its just hard sometimes :(
  • @prayin_4_twins, they said that to me too. So I would definitely be persistent on asking why you don't ovulate. That's part of the reason its taking us so long to conceive, I didn't find out till september I had the tumor. Had I known sooner, we probably would have conceived by now. Every problem requires different meds, so. Its better to find outvwhats causing it then going by trial and error. Plus it causes you to have depression and just about when your happy again bam it starts all over. I really hope you become a mommy soon, because I know how bad you want it. Good luck hun! That's the best advice I have to give to someone just starting fertility drugs.
  • Well i heard of something but i don't know the name but i seen a mommy on here said her doc shot her uterus with something to make sure nothing was blocking her tubes and all that and after she had that done she got pregnant.
  • @1_bubbly_mommy Its called a hystrosalpingogram or hsg. I've had one, it hurts when they inject the dye. Im also in the medical feild, which knowing what's going to happen is comforting, but at the same time you know too much.
  • Yeah the mommy said she had this done and next thing you know she was pregnant maybe you should try this @Prayin_4_twins
  • @1_Bubbly_Mommy @needamiracle :( idk what to think! My drs office & I keep playing phone tag! My period is still heavy & I have the worst cramps!!! I am literally doubled over in the bathroom forcing myself not to cry! :'( (tmi sorry) & I am sorry for sounding so dramatic but this totally sucks! :'(
  • sorry mama....things will get'll get pregnant before you know it.....don't stress yourself. *baby dust* :D
  • Im so sorry. I hope it gets better soon for you. We are here to listen so don't feel bad venting.
  • @izander4 Thank you!
    @needamiracle Thank you!
    Thank you ladies for being so sweet and letting me vent. It sucks not having friends around and close who understand and will listen to me. It is very much appreciated!
  • Well this may also be a good thing bc right before i conceived my period was 2wks late then it finally came and i had a really heavy period with bad cramps from hell i went to the er and they put me on provera and the next month i conceived! So still have hope girl and also i wasn't trying that month so it was a good start to the new year.
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