Impatiently waiting...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant 5 weeks 5 days and I dont have a doctors appt until the 22nd but its thru the health dep. so this sucks because I was told that that appt will just be like a prenatal class and not an actual maternity appt. The lady told me that they will schedule for my actual doc appt on the 22nd & that they are normally sceduled for about a week or two after that. Ugh thats like 3 more weeks I have to wait to even see a doctor! And im so impatient because im paranoid about things like eptopic pregnancy(even those im having no symptoms of one). Im just ready to see a doctor!


  • Me too n mine is at an actual ob office. I called the day I got my positive test result which was about 4 weeks. Didn't get an appointment til I was 8 weeks then that was only an ultrasound to confirm fetal age, then rescheduled me for march 15 which I had to reschedule for my own issues then can't be seen til the 28th! Still have not seen a Dr and I will be 14 weeks by then. It makes me so mad, when I asked if there was.a possibility of getting it sooner because of how far I am by now n still haven't seen him the m.a. had a huge attitude
  • I hate the waiting. I was extremely paranoid before my first appointment at 9 weeks because I didn't feel I had much for symptoms. Then I had spotting on top of that. I honestly didn't know if my baby would be thriving or not. I prepared myself to hear the worst. But all went well. :) I saw my peanut and it's strong heart beating away. Even soon after that the worries came back. No spotting or nothing abnormal, it's just normal for a mother to worry, not always knowing is a scary thing. I was supposed to go back March 7th. But I had to miss it because I was stuck at my moms six hours away. I have an ultrasound appointment here for the 25th. :) Can't wait.
  • I didn't see one til I was 8 weeks. They did an u/s and then I saw the Dr to get blood work n my pap done but I don't go back for another 5 weeks. I'm 9 weeks and 5 days now so my doc appoint isn't til April 14
  • @sariemama3...At least ure out of that 12 week stage..that would make me feel alot better! Did they see anything when they did your first ultrasound at 8 weeks?
  • Yea I dont really have symptoms either..just sore breast & everytime u get even the mildess cramp I worry about eptopic pregnancy! After a doctor just confirms everything is ok I will feel much better.
  • See anything as in baby? Yea I was 8 wks n some days, eveorything was fine so the tech said, seen my little baby n he still had his yolk sac so I seen that, seen his heart.beat but couldn't hear it, it was great, not much else was done tho.
  • mmy cousin is further than me by 2 wks, we have the same.Dr too n she still hasn't seen him so she went to the er n was checked.he's been out of the office a lot lately
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