@Blessed1508 I am not looking forward to summer being pregant, it's already super hot today, i'm just gonna buy a little pool and put it in my dining room lol
@kimberly4411 yeah it was pretty hot but windy where I am at. this summer I will be wearing my soccer shorts and tank tops lol what part of tx r u from?
i am in arlington @kimberly4411 I was going to go to lubbock next weekend I would have been driving thru your town lol I wish I was a girly girly so I could wear dresses lol when r u due
I'm Not a girly girl lol I just want to be comfy, i'm due october 15, @blessed1508 i've been wanting to go to six flags for forever lol thats definetly out if the question now, when are you due?
@lae3 not sure where you are from but here in MN we still get formula from when baby is born until age 1. I know because I have a 14 month old and im pregnant again and my cousin works in the wic office. It hasn't changed and wont change. And if you want a different formula, all you have to do is say your baby doesn't take to the formula kind you have on, and they will change it for you. It happened to me, my daughter only took to soy (I was unable to breastfeed because I never produced enough milk even with the tablet to help you and I was dried up within 3 weeks) then after 6 months of that she would only take to sensitive so we just let them know and they switched it right away for us.
Youll get the checks the day of your meeting and youll get your checks every three months up to 6 months after you have baby for you & for baby its until their 5. For you, its milk, eggs, bread, juice, peanut butter, cereal, fruirs & vegetables. For baby formula, cereal, food. Stuff like that.
@lae3 u live where what is sac and also they still give it at birth here I know because I know three people who have givin birth in last 2 months and I also work at a ob gyn clinic and we have a office for wic here
@ lae3: in tn you get formula from birth also. I called about it today. They are not going to deny your child formula just because you don't want to breastfeed.
@cyndi11 you should be able to contact your local health services office and they will give you the number. Then call and state that you are expecting or you have a child and they will need to know the due date or your child's birth date and they will set you up an appointment to come in and get certified usually within a week, I always got in the same day, but some offices are different.
sorry ladis sac cali.. the capital of california.. well thats good yall are lucky then.. i still think all woman should try it cause.. you wont get it back onece it dries up.. i know i breast fed both my boys.. but gave up w/ my first after the first month.. and a wa sa about it later.. my second im still nursing hes 11 months and has one month left and hes getting cut off.. the one im preg w/ NOW i dont know.. i deff want o do it for the first month but it realy is exausting an i feel like breast fed babies are so much more needy.. you know i geuss i will see how i feel in the moment.. my hubby not happy i want to bottle feed after a month.. probahly cuz he knowz hell have to do more..lol. he gets away with way too much.. lol
@lae3 lol my hubby loves to help feed, he feels left out when I breastfed. Of course like I said I could only go to 3 weeks even with the pills they gave me to help, e get more milk, but I tell myself at least I tried. If possible I would love to go that long again with this little girl, so hopefully I will be able to supply enough for a little while
@mommyof3boys I don't blame you AT ALL!! Lol im a big c/small d so I don't have those problems, but if I did, I would probably have the same opinion! Lol
um yeah engorgment sucks.. when you get ot. i hope yoi have beyter luck woth your supply thos time. i always wondered why some womans body doesnt produce an adaquit supply... did your dr give you any reasons why? is it genetic .
We still have checks in Ohio. You can get milk, beans, vegetables, bread, cereal, pb, and juice. You only get tuna and cheese if your nursing! The paperwork says I can get refried beans, but the store never let's me! And the bread is always hard to figure out, I just found Bimbo bread and am able to get 2 loafs.
Every state is different, here in Indiana u will leave ur first appt with wic checks, be prepared for it to take a while, its also an educational tool for the state. Aside from the usual milk, cereal, formula, and juice, they now offer fresh fruits and vegies, and whole grains, as well as jarred baby food. Now, like I said, each state is different, that's what Indiana offers now
In TN you can only get certain brands of bread and also they give cheese up to 3 months after baby is born to moms who aren't breastfeeding. I think it just depends on what state you are from on what you get with WIC.
i hope yoi have beyter luck woth your supply thos time.
i always wondered why some womans body doesnt produce an adaquit supply... did your dr give you any reasons why? is it genetic
Aside from the usual milk, cereal, formula, and juice, they now offer fresh fruits and vegies, and whole grains, as well as jarred baby food. Now, like I said, each state is different, that's what Indiana offers now
All standard loafs of bread are 16oz (1lb) so I don't know why it's so difficult to find.