wow! tastefully done pics of baby lost in early pregnancy



  • Sorry I missed the link, I would have liked to have seen it, I miscarried at ten weeks.
  • This is what I don't want started.
  • Abortion topic not wanted in this thread guys! She's made that clear already. Still wish I could get the link! Will you repost? :)
  • You can msg me and I will send you the link.
  • I didnt look at the pic but i did loss a son at 14 weeks and he looked like a llittle marzipan baby like you would see on a cupcake. He was about the size of my thumb.
  • Aawwww @blissmarie23 I'm sorry for you loss. If you don't mind me asking how do you see it? I mean they just show it to you? You ask to see? I've never Haddon one so I have no idea.
  • Kind of gross but I went to the bathroom in the ER had a contraction and lost the baby in the toilet. It was in the yolk sac about the size of a tennis ball and I asked the nurse to open the sac. God gave me a dream that it was a boy and I was supposed to name him Samuel. So we cut open the sac and checked to see if it was a boy and it was. I really regret not taking him from her there so I could bury him. They took him to the histology department and threw him away and then charged me $181 but never gave me a report or anything about him. If I had known that they were going to "discard" him. I would have taken him with me.
  • @blissmarie23 I'm so sorry! I would be so angry!
  • That's so sad. :( I'm so sorry! I had a miscarriage but after two weeks of waiting to pass the baby I opted for a d&c. They had me sign a form asking where I would prefer them to spread the ashes, I thought that was nice at least. It was somewhere over the White Tank Mountains.
  • I was pretty angry for a while but I got them to at least take care of the bill. I'm alot better with it now because I remember that I will see Samuel again in heaven.
  • edited March 2011
    @lovemyangels and @blissmarie23 you are both strong women for going through that! I know its different but my mother lost her son at 3 months old! I don't know how her and my father handeled it so well.
  • edited March 2011
    And thank you for keeping this thread to what it should be.... mothers having m/C's. And thanks for sharing your stories.
  • I had no idea how common miscarriage was until I had one. All of the sudden so many women I knew came out of the woodwork telling me about theirs, and I had never known! I think it's sad we don't really acknowledge miscarriage as a real, devastating loss. It's like people aren't comfortable hearing or talking about it.
  • I missed the link
  • @ghettobetty can u send me the link plz
  • My heart and love goes out to all who have miscarried. I lost my first pregnancy in October of 2008 at 8 weeks - had to have a DNC. I lost my second pregnancy in April of 2009 at 5 weeks - naturally, at home. My closest, dearest friend and I got pregnant two weeks apart, & here I am at nearly 25 weeks, but she lost hers in December. I'm grateful that I was able to get her through it, & the many nights we cried together & shared the exact same grief. I was the only one in her life who had had a m/c before, & it's understandably difficult to receive empathy for any issue if no one around you has experienced it. My losses helped her get through hers, but we have painful days ahead. My baby shower (we were gonna have a double one together), her due date in June, & my giving birth in early July. We never got the chance to see our babies, hold them, feed them, or hear their first laugh, but we loved them, nonetheless, & always, forever will...

    Reach out to anyone, anywhere, & talk about your loss. Don't let the grief & emptiness after a m/c consume you. Support groups, counseling, & even forums like these are wonderful ways to help deal with what you've been through. My love to all the mommies on here! :)
  • Can u send me the link please
  • My mom never shared m/c stories with me until I was older.. and one day at lunch I asked her why she had my sister & I ten years apart. She told me she had a m/c before me & six more before my sister came along, but she knew how much I begged for a sibling & she said she wasn't giving up! & ever since then I don't just think "awe poor girl" when I hear about someone having a m/c. It honestly breaks my heart and I just feel my heart aching for them! My best friend & I were prego together & her baby stopped growing & had passed away so she had to deliver him at 20 weeks, which was two weeks ago today. & it makes me ache to think about it, but I know it has made me want to be the best mother to my unborn baby that I can be! & I pray for all of you who have went through this!
  • I would like to see friends little sister gave birth at 23wks to a baby with Trisomy 18. She posted photos, she got some negative replies. I found that they were something she should have as no baby should be anything but a blessing, no reason to ever be ashamed or have the feeling you shouldn't have such photos. I told her she has every reason to be proud. It was her child, she created, carried, loved. Would you please send me the link? Thanks.
  • Could u send me the link please
  • OK I will post the link again ut PLEASE NO talk of abortion! I don't want it to be the focus or intent of this thread! @katiemcmillan12 @mrsdelrae @oregonmoma @trixiie187cali @mummylady183 @hupe23_1
  • Wow beautiful! Miscairrage is an awful thing but its amazing how positive this lady is.and the baby will always be remembered by her. :-) it amazing how formed the baby is
  • Wow I lost my first at 5weeks... thanks for posting this.
  • This made me very sad. I lost my first baby 7 yrs ago. What got me thru it was I told myself it was not meant to be. I'm glad that in looking thru my pads while having the MC I didn't find anything like this bcuz it would have been a lot harder to deal. I have have 2beautiful boys now and am 19wks with a girl. But still thank you for posting it.
  • Wow!!! I finally looked. I have had a few miscarriages, but I hate talking about them, so I rarely ever bring it up, it hurts so bad that when I do rarely acknowledge it, it feels like it just happened. But, by seeing these photos it actually made me have a little closure, that I knew others have lost babies, but its always been such a taboo topic that I usually kept it quiet. This woman had a lot of courage to post those, take those. Its comforting to know we aren't alone. Rest in peace all babies lost. >:D<
  • :'( wow.... my heart goes out to all u dat have had n mc...i had two myself :'( and got to z da first one....
  • For all of the ladies sayin its not real sadly it is. I lost my last baby at 9 weeks (she not sure but I always thought she was) stopped developing at 7 weeks and looked exactly like the pics. I miscarried naturally at home and the baby was still inside of the sac full of fluid. There's a I guess you'd call it a program for women who had still born babies. It's called "now I lay me down to sleep" that offers free professional portraits for parents who had stillborns. The pictures look just like babys sleeping :(
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