I Need Advice.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant


  • I would leave.
  • Hmm..well I understand you would want to fight for your family..but..in my opinion, if he says the bby is all yours then it would be healthier to leave now before the baby comes because you dont want to bring a child into an enviroment where they are unwanted..that would be bad for he/she.
  • Leave him alone because it sounds like he doesn't want to have anything to do with u or the child. If he changes his mind, he'll come around!! Be strong for your baby, good luck!!
  • I agree with these ladies
  • Leave now. Because if there is no tie to link you two, except the baby. He may realize later. I understand the dramatics cause I'm over dramatic now. And I said some things I shouldn't have in the past two days. My emotions are above a freaking rollercoaster now. Hope they calm down. Best of luck to you
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  • Thanks girls :) it was so weird because he wrote to me this morning and apologized for being an "ass" but I rather just focus on the baby.
  • I guess I feel a little differently than everyone else. If you're only 8 weeks then he might be emotional because he's about to have a baby. I say to not leave him alone completely if you want him in your baby's life. But maybe just give him a little space for a while. Perhaps he just needs some time alone.
  • If he's worth the fight... fight! Everyones emotions are peeked at 8 weeks gestational. Do you have any fault in this argument? Kinda hard to go off of half a story.
  • I say leave him be, if he wants to come around on his own terms let him, but a child raised in a single mothers home is more happy and more well adjusted in a home where he/she feels like daddy doesnt love them! Trust me on this! I went trough it as a kid in both situations and I loved my mom beong alone and Knowing I was loved instead of wondering if I was loved enough by my Step dads (my father was never in the pic). Keep in touch with him and let him know what is going on but tell him you dont expect anything from him. If he comes arround he does, If he doesnt his loss, you are left with a beautiful child that loves you no matter what!
  • Well gladly we're good now. It was just a little stress (:
  • I think he was probably just scared
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