My bf wants me to get an abortion but I want to have the baby

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm so scared because I'm being forced to choose between my bf who I love more than anything and a baby that I have array grown to love within 5 WEEKS. Plz help me ladies I'm almost in tears right now as type.


  • I meant to say already grown to love
  • if he loved you he would want to keep this kid. u should keep the baby best thing in the world:)
  • Men will come and go.... that baby will be ur baby forever. Just my opinion
  • If he loved u that much he wouldnt make u choose. That shows that he really dnt love you like u do.
  • I agree with the above! Tell him no, if he leaves its his loss! Be strong because a baby is forever and they love you more than any man that doesnt want them :)
  • I agree w/ both... its hard w/a baby on ur own...but him saying that..just shows how he easy it to just say get rid of the keep the bby a get rid of him
    Sorry you have to deal w/ that
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  • edited March 2011
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  • If he can't even love his own child, there's probably not a chance you guys are going to last anyways. Abortion leaves a toll on you mentally and physically.
  • edited March 2011
    Don't do nothing u will regret and choosing him over the baby isn't really good idea. What if u guys break up Ur always going to say what if with decision. He shouldn't make u choose if he really loves u he would support u and be their with u threw this not make u sad or anything a boy isn't worth it. Your always going to say what if and always think about it and it takes a toll on u mentally and physically. Hope u make the right choice good luck
  • I presonally dont believe in abortion I was raised strict if u (either guy or girl) can lay down and think ur mature enough to make a baby u should be grown and mature enough to raise it . And guys come and go I promise u seem like a smart girl and I promise u if u have the baby u baby will love u unconditionally no matter what
  • Well think of it like this. . .if he really loved you, he wouldn't put you in that situation. Your bf shouldn't make you choose him over the baby. A baby/kid is something that will love you forever. Boys come & go. You can always find someone better :) & if you have an abortion, you'll most likely feel bad about it. If u decide to keep it, ur bf might come around. He's probably just scared right now. I was in the same situation. My bf wanted me to have an abortion, but I told him no that I was going to keep it. He was an asshole at first so I decided to leave..& he came around after a couple of days & said he wants to be a family. Now I'm 15weeks & he worries about every little thing I good luck girl! I hope everything works out for u ;)
  • Your body, your choice, not his or anyone else's. I agree that if he really loved you, he would not put you in that situation.
  • I agree@ jcmommy
  • Look in the end of the day the love that you have for your child will over power every thing else that love you feel when your baby is born is something else something magical and it will be so worth it to keep it
  • Some guys are douches! My best friend is pregnant as well and when she found out she told her man and he told her to get rid of it. She took about a week to think it over and finally told him she was keeping it and if he didn't like it he could get the hell out. He left for a couple days and finally came back and now they are keeping it and staying together :] try and keep hope mama to be :]

  • That is sooo childish!! How dare him compare your relation to a bbys life!! If he really loves you and is takn this relation serious he should NEVER EVER compare your love with bby and with him....
    Ooops.... Venting......

  • i agree with everbodys..he dont love you...having a baby is the wonderfull thing it could happen to any should be blessed your having a baby...there so many women who want to have kids and if you bf cant except that..his being super selfish
  • Girl you would be better off without him. Boyfriends can come and go but your children are yours forever
  • My mom was young and unmarried when she conceived me. My dad wanted her to have an abortion but she didn't want to. To think that if my mom wouldnt have been courageous enough to keep me, that I would not be able to be here today, happily married and pregnant with my second. Anyways in the end my dad stayed and they have been married for over 20 yrs. Have faith that if he is the one for you that he will be there.
  • Thank you all so so much.. If I could I'd hug you all :) I'm so late responding because we were sitting down talking this over. I let him know flat out that I was not getting an abortion because that goes against everything I believe in. He came at me with the I'm not ready line... My response: I didn't plan on getting pregnant nor was I trying to you and I both know I was on birth control do you know this is unexpected. This just happened and me getting pregnant and being on birth control says that this baby beat the odds and fought to get here. If he or she fought that hard I'm going to fight just as hard to keep my baby. If that means that your going to leave then you are free to do so. All I ask is that you are a father and you are there when your child needs you and I'll handle the rest. He paused and just looked at me for what felt like 10/15 minutes and said I'm just scared that I'm not gonna be a good father financially because you make more than me. I let him know that that's all in his head a baby doesn't care how much you make just that you're there. He said you sound sure and I'm convinced that we can do this I'm just scared because it is so sudden and unexpected. Let him know I am too but we can do it together... He hugged me and apologized for making me cry. Now he is off in the next room thinking of baby names. I guess he just needed time to take it all in. I GUESS.
  • Been there and I chose my son! Thank God I did b/c he is my world!!! I was a teenager so needless to say I was scared to death, the b/f wanted me to get an abortion and I didn't want to. As hard as it was at the time, I left him and realized later that that was one of the best decisions ive ever made. My family was "disappointed" but supported me more than I could've ever imagined. Being a teenager and having a baby alone was scary but if I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing. I am so proud of my amazingly talented, amusing, entertaining, fun loving son and could not imagine life without him! Everything happens for a reason, go with what u believe and what u feel in your heart is right because YOU have to live with the decision u make. My sons father hasn't ever had anything to do with him and although he's 6 now I am engaged to the most wonderful man who has taken on the responsiblity of being his real father, and we're expecting our 2nd child now! Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for everything I have been blessed with! In the end that is what its all about, the gift of life is a true blessing! I hope this helped...Good luck!
  • edited March 2011
    I can relate I'm 6wks & in the beginning I was gonna get an abortion cuz my BF wanted me to I made my appt & the day I was suppose to get it decided I cnt live with such a regret..he's NOT gonna b the 1 going thru it I I decided I'm raise the baby with or w/o him...I'll happy with my decision so far he's been supportive but only time will tell. I say DON'T do it if ur not 100% sure that's wat YOU want..regardless of how he feels...hopefully eventually he'll come around...I still feel sometimes ill b a single mom..guess I'll find out in 8mnths...jus think it through & I'm here if u need to talk..
  • Yes it did help. My mind was made up shortly after I posted this I kept looking at the pictures of how big the baby was already and my heart chose for me. The baby is so so tiny (I'm 5 weeks exactly) but I'm already attached and falling more and more as the minutes go by
  • I'm so happy for you your story made ne wanna cry I'm so happy he came around and decided to grow a pair and so happy you stood your ground allot of women have an abortion and the man leaves anyway they regret it forever so good on ya both of you. :)
  • Thanks so much sweetness :) and we must keep in touch we are only a week apart. And I feel the same I have a feeling I'll be a single mom once the baby gets but I'll always have my baby so I'm not worried. Yeah it'll suck but that's life and I'll manage
  • Make him watch a silent scream its on the net ,,, it really might change his mind, I know it has helped some girls on here
  • @finallypregnant that's what helped me make my mind up because I felt like he was going to leave any way so why have an abortion when he's not going to be around anyway. That's one regret I would never be able to live down
  • @MrsLamaster I'm looking it up now
  • I'm so happy for you your very strong and you will be an awesome mom with or without him and your baby will be amazing. ;)
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