thoughts on first trimester diagnostic tests for birth defects?



  • I b et they are doing a serum test which does nt say if ur babty for sure will have a genetic deffect, but the possibility of you being a carrier..its just a simple blood test.
  • I did the u/s and the first blood test a few weeks ago. Dad was gone to ntc for training. April 11 is the next blood test then two weeks later results. If the genetic test says I am a carrier for cf then dad will have to be tested too.
  • I'm doing the Nuchal & the Amnio. I just want to be prepared if something is in fact wrong. My sister is thankful everyday that she had one, or else she wouldn't have known her daughter's trachea wasn't connected. These doctors won't urge you to do the test unless they have a reason to. But, they do have to make you aware of the fact that they are there, & available to you if you so choose. I am a nurse, & I know a doctor will not force you to have you do a test they don't think is necessary.
  • My sister did it and they told her my nephew would have Downs, he turned out fine. No Downs just a healthy baby boy. It just added stress to her pregnancy cuz they thought he had Downs
  • I'm not having any done as my fiancee an I talked about it an decided at the end of the day no matter what we wouldn't terminate so we didn't want to add stress to ourselves thinking what if were that 1!? I think it depends on what action you would take before u decide in having the tests?
  • I didnt have to pay for mine. I had it done and the results were negative. So my baby boy is fine(:
  • The question you have to ask yourselves is would you want an abortion if they found something wrong? My husband and I are not having any genetic testing done, because we would not have an abortion if there was something wrong. So, finding out ahead of the birth would just lead you to have unnecessary stress ahead of time. Also, alot of those tests have risks to the fetus and are not 100% accurate.
  • I was born abo incompatible (having two different blood types) and the dr told my mom I would have downs but it was my blood type I came out fine besides needing a blood transfusion :)
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  • I wouldn't get an amnio unless you really think something is wrong. Like a positive screening or they find something wrong in an ultrasound. I really don't think an amnio is something to be takin lightly. If you are going to get an amnio I definitely recommend getting in done during the safest time, 15-20wks. I refused the test at 19wks and I shouldn't have. I could of had a quick in and out at the periantologist office. Instead I waited until 24wks and had to be admitted to the hospital for over 4 hours. It was not a fun time. The test is definitely not only for people who would terminate their pregnancy. The stress of the "what if" was driving me crazy. I was a mess all the time worrying. The test brings you peace of mind or it gives you time to mentally prepare. Its not as scary as it seems either. And the amnio is 99.6% accurate if proper cells are collected, so not many false positives. Its up to you and you alone, don't let anyone try to sway you one way or another. There is a bit of a risk so that makes it a pretty big decision.
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  • I had a cvs done a few weeks ago and only waited 2 days for results it wasn't too bad just a tad uncomfy and now I know my son is healthy 100% and I'm not worrying now :) I didn't have any problems after the test either.
  • I have a friend that got results back saying their baby would have down syndrome and now at 4 she is perfectly healthy
  • I talked to my OB & she said she didn't want me to have the CVS done. If the TriScreen came back with abnormal limits then I would possibly do an amnio later I gestation. However the testing I did have done was a Blood Draw a an ultrasound. The tech measured the babies neck. So the best...we got an extra ultrasound to see our little one. The test results came back within normal limits.
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