funniest "mood swing moment"?

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
my hubby never plays video games and decided he wanted to play grand theft auto i just started cryin and told him i always admired the fact you werent into video games ,you dissappoint i completley laugh about it lol


  • Lmfao hahahahahahaha how funny. Silly girl!
  • Hahaha I once cried for 45 minutes because the snow cone I got tasted like crap.... my boyfriend just stared at me like I was crazy hahaha. True story.
  • Ok.. I feel awful lol... But before my hubby left for texas we were visiting some of his family. On our way back through town I was telling him I was getting hungry. We stop at mcdonalds and I tod him I.wanted a mcdouble. He was like, are you sure you dont want two? I.couldve died! I burst into tears! he spent forever telling me he loved my pregnant body and I was sexy blah blah blah and how I could always eat more than that he just didnt want me to be hungry... I.kept crying.for a long time. He felt so bad! I feel bad now, but I couldve slapped him haha
  • I threw a bowl of watermelon at the wall after my mom yelled at me for leaving crumbs on the kitchen table, I also got overly pissed at her today for wearing my socks til I realized they weren't actually mine lol I'm sure that if I had a boyfriend right now things wouldn't be too good between us, its my mom who I have been having mood swing episodes with lately and luckily she understands and doesn't get offended
  • I had to buy some pantyliners bc every time I laugh, cough, or sneeze... well ya know... anyway I came home and my husband saw them and says "why did you buy those you don't need those?"... I turned around so fast and just screamed "BECAUSE I LEAK AND SOMETIMES I PEE MY PANTS! Is that alright with you?!?!?!" His jaw hit the floor and he just sat there speechless staring at me. We laughed about it afterwards thou:P
  • I freaked out at my fiance when he told me I get too excited when I talk about food. I felt like a cow. I was so upset. He told me later that he thought it was cute and disnt mean to insult me, i felt so bad..
  • Ok soo the hubs and I were driving down the road and we were arguing about something and we were going down the road and he said I didn't have to act like such a b**ch and well I just so happen to have his cell phone in my hand and his window was down so I threw itout the window right front of his face. Lol I was really ticked off! He pulled over and searched for his phone for like 20 min. I laugh now and so does he. His phone was falling apart already lol!
  • I'm 6 weeks today. Have not hardly had any symptoms. No moodswings either, is it coming soon?
  • I was playing with my nephew and he was running backwards and turned around and ran into the wall. I cried and yelled at my mom because she said I was chasing him when really I was just sitting there. My sisters still laugh about that til this day. They say they never seen me angry like that. At the time it wasn't funny but I laugh now. Later my mom apologized.
  • My cat Peed in my handbag (purse) I cried all morning :'( until my bf bought me a new bag lol
  • @soon_2be_storked, it'll come when you least expect it.. you won't really notice the hormones until after you flip, or cry, or whatever emotion you have has passed. It can be badddd lol so get ready!
    So, one night I wanted mcdonalds & I always get a tea with extra ice.. got the tea, told the hubby to check it, he didn't and there was hardly any ice at all. I was soooo mad. Omg I had never yelled at him like that. & he was like, we have ice at home, I'll get it.. just breathe. & that made it worse. Omg. I flipped.
    & another night I was watching a movie with him.. (I love animals, but I'm not like a weird animal freak) and in the movie this guy stepped on someones pet mouse and killed it.. I cried all night and made him change the movie because I said it hurt my feelings. Now when its on tv, he always says "can't watch that or you'll flood the house!!!!" Butt head (: haha
  • Oh yay, so excited for this. I'm pretty sure it will be comical.
  • Lol not the day/night of.. a week or so later, oh yeahhh! Haha
  • I'm on bed rest so I called my husband crying and said u never spend any time w/ me,he's like ok when I get home we'll watch a movie.He comes straight home takes he shoes off and gets on my clean bed I screamed so loud why would u get in bed w/ u dirty work clothes. The look on his face was priceless.Then I cried again because I felt bad I
  • Probably when I accidently died my hair orange an blamed it all on my boyfriend and told him it was all his fault that I looked discusting because he offered to buy the hair dye. I cried for ages. He took it well though considering he was trying to be nice in the first place lol <3
  • Husband stole my cookie off my leg we were at my familys house I cried so much and everyone started laughing at me lol he brought me another cookie :D or when my husband ran into our sliding glass door and busted his nose and I fussed for like 2 hours that he smudged the door after I cleaned it lol I did apologize though I felt bad after I thought about it but its hilarious now.
  • Idk if I ever had any mood swings lol I do know tht I have [no offence] blonde moments lol like for instance I was at a family party and a friend of my dads was leavin she was sayin by to everyone nd when she got to me nd my bd she was like nice seein u guys again nd said bye..well instead of me waving nd sayin bye I said "HI!!" LOL I swear I thought I said bye but realized I didn't lol she looked at me nd I jst laughed nd was so red in the face lol
  • @iris_y_juan lol that sounds like something I would do.
  • Top two: 1) my cat used to hate everyone but me. Lately he hates everyone but my husband. My hubby kept teasing me that the cat loved him more, and the other day I tried forever to get him to come to me. He ran up, bit my foot, and went and snuggled up with my husband. I started crying and couldn't stop! My husband felt awful but couldn't stop laughing! Lol

    2) I'm having twins so I'm pretty big compared to my sister in law (who is 3 weeks further along than me). Our father in law teases us both about waddling, but when he called me "fat girl" as my husband and two brothers in law were "penguin" walking behind me, I cried for an hour! Harmless, but I wouldn't talk to my husband for a good 3 hours. I was so hurt! Funny now, though. Lol
  • Don't worry iris_y_juan I have those moments everyday. At my work I constantly walk around trying to figure out wat the crap I originally was doing. I also went from top cashier to top clutz. Ill miscount and even forget to give change and god forbid if I don't have a list to go by! Thank god for other co workers tho.
  • My funniest mood swing came the other day when I was watching TV. I don't even remember what commercial it was but it was a DUMB one made me start balling, then I started laughing because I was crying for a DUMB the family thought it would be a great idea to laugh too....NOT so great of an idea I started crying again because they were laughing "with me" then was mad for like an hour!!! LMAO
  • I was lying on the couch trying to take a nap before company came over that night. My husband came home and saw that the house wasn't cleaned up to "his specifications" and started giving me a hard time about it. I freaked out and jumped up screaming and crying, that "most pregnant women take naps during the day!" He later apologized and wanted to know why I acted that way. Duh...I'm pregnant!
  • So my bd is such a sweetheart. He asked me baby do u want ice cream. It was 10 p.m at nite. I told him yes but I wanted dutch chocolate ice cream. He cums back 10 min. Later gives me a kiss and hands me chocolate ice cream....just chocolate..i threw it at his face and cried lol I appologized and mmmm u know for.being such a sweet heart lol
  • Wow lol now I dnt feel so bad nout mines juss yesyerday I literally kried bcus the lady @ the frozen yogurt place told me they were out of the strawberry toppings &only had fresh strawberries man I kried bcus I was thnkin bout tht frozen yogurt all day & it hurt my feeling now I juss laugh @ wat a big fatty I must of looked yesterday
  • Hahaha I feel so much better reading these!!
    One day my bf and I were heating stuff up in the oven. I had read the directions like six times, but when I told him, he kept saying 'are you sure about the temp? Are you sure they go in for that long??' I turned around and whipped the box at his head. And then started crying. So funny now, but horrible in the moment!!
  • Hahaha I feel so much better reading these!!
    One day my bf and I were heating stuff up in the oven. I had read the directions like six times, but when I told him, he kept saying 'are you sure about the temp? Are you sure they go in for that long??' I turned around and whipped the box at his head. And then started crying. So funny now, but horrible in the moment!!
  • I was literally laughing out loud at this! Bless y'all's hearts! I can only imagine! Lol
  • I cried cause our frozen meal wasn't cooking. LOL sobbing with my head on the microwave... needless to say I laugh now when I think about it.
  • I cryed bc ihop ran out of cream cheese! And every time I go to work an the heats on75 I flip out like the incredible hulk I get soo mad I instanty turn into super prego bitch
  • I cried when I had my car towed from my house to a shop because it wouldn't start. It was more about seeimg it up on the trailer than it was about not working because it hasn't worked in a while. I felt like I was giving it up for adoption or something lol.
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