Givin Birth

Been feeling a little scaried about givin birth this is my first child. Somebody plz tell me wat all goes on n wat kinda pains will I go thru when its time???


  • How far are you?
  • I had a c section n was scared to death of pushing out a baby lol turns out I didn't have to I cried the whole day n freaked when they said c section when in reality it wasnt scary at all n I didn't feel any contractions thank god but don't be scared everything will go good
  • Im just scared of the whole epidural I watched it on youtube whew I almost peed in my panties!
  • Lmao I was nervous for it to I didn't even want it but its not that bad
  • I had a c section too. Thanx to the epidural I felt nothing. And the pain medicine for after the procedure is the best. The only thing with a c section is that whenever u go home u have to b really careful with the cut bcus it gets painful. But do not worry at all.
    My cousin just had a natural birth without epidural or any pain meds and she didn't even scream. We called her Superwoman...LOL.
    Everyone is different so just be prepared.
  • Omg im so nervous about it! I have 15 wks and 3 days left to prepare for it!
  • Ya alot of ppl tell me the epidural is nothing compared to those horrible contractions! Its just the needle is HUGE
  • Ya i think its more like a caprisun straw lol
  • Lol its really not that bad when you are having contraction you don't even feel the needle the only thing you feel is the meds going in the tube.
  • That makes me feel alot better! Lol my mom was like your not even gonna care once you feel those contractions, you'll scream for the epidural
  • That is very true. I got it with my first and plan on getting it with this one.
  • Omgosh! Im so scared also. This is my first too and I have no idea what its like when u gave birth. Omy im afraid to have a c section. My mom never had a c section But she got 6 kids. I don't know how she do it.
  • Ya my mom had a c section with me and my brother. With me because I was ten pounds at birth lol
  • Don't b scared. The epidural makes u feel num whether its vaginal birth or c section. Just prepare yourself for any contractions. I know I'm so ready for labor its no joke so good luck.
  • Does it just feel like cramps or does it hurt your down there too or both at the same time? I heard it feels like you have to go number 2 lol :D
  • It hurts my va-jay-jay really bad. Feels like a lot of pressure in that one spot. & my back is the place where it cramps up so with all that I'm just constantly screaming and grunting. Then it'll stop for a minute and the pain comes right back.
    Everyone is different though.
  • How long does one contraction last for?
  • They vary. No set timing but its good to keep track of how long they are apart.
  • Ya my doc said once they are five minutes apart head to the hospital
  • I am on my fourth baby. I had the epidural with the first one but that was 17 years and things were done a little different. By the time I was ready to push it had worn off. Then it was too late to do anything about it. So I felt the rest. My second the nurse but the belt on wrong that monitored the contractions so they kept telling me I wasnt in labour. By the time I convinced them they were wrong I was ready to put. So she was all natural no medicine at all. Doctor almost missed it cause that didn't even call him in until then. That was 14 years ago. My last one was awesome! 17 months ago. I had the epidural and at my hospital they leave the tube in so they can add the medicine as needed. No tears until I saw my baby boy!!!!! Needless to say I will be having this one at the same hospital! They were awesome!!! The epidural is nothing compared to the contractions!!!! Most important thing is DO NOT move when they are putting it in!!! Good luck!!
  • Everyone natural birth is amazing all are bodies are made to do it i can understand if your having complications or a c section you have to get a epideral i'm not going to say it doesnt hurt cause When i had my daugher i was in alot of pain and almost had the medicine but my mom was my support and She told me i could do it and to be brave i did it as soon as my daughter came out all the pain went away i seen my daughter and was so happy and i got to up and hold her and go to the bathroom without any help it is such amazing thing to go threw i promise and then you can always say i did it natural .. now Im 25 weeks pregnant with twins and i am a little scared i dont wanna have a c section but at the same time i dont wanna do it natural Its more hard work but i hope and pray everything goes great!!
  • I am terribly scared of needles, u need to get stadal and finergin before u get the epidural so u wont feel it! I did! After being numb and time to push, all I felt was pressure!
  • All this is makin me scaried lol n I got 10 weeks n 3 dayss 2 go...
  • I'm only 14 weeks, this is my first & I'm not really scared about giving birth, I'm just scared that my doctor will say that I have to have a c-section.!
  • The only thing I'm scared of is not knowing the labor signs when they come. I have a little less than 6 weeks to go. I feel tons of pressure now & I've had horrible back pain my entire pregnancy. So I'm worried it'll feel the same & I won't notice a difference.
  • If you have netflix watch the documentry call the business of being born by ricki lake. Soooo amazing it shows all forms of child birth. Though she has a strong emphasis on midwifery.
  • I have had 4 babies and #5 is on the way. 2 were with an epidural and 2 were all natural. Makes sure to be informed about all the different pain reliefs there is out there provided by your hospital. THey do have now what is called a walking epidural, which basically controls the pain but still allows you to walk and move your legs and such. Natural child birth is amazing, yes painful, but amazing and you have complete control of your body. Feeling when you need to push. Once baby is out your contractions are gone. Make sure you have a birthing plan in mind and mention it to your caretaker and nurses, but remember not everything goes as planned. You may go faster than anyone expected and end up going nautral, or you may end up getting your epidural. You never know. If your hospital has a birthing ball, which is basically a big exercise ball sitting on that helped me through my labor. I hate being stuck in bed and only being able to curl into a ball with my contractions. At least on the ball you can bounce gently on it or rock back and forth during the pain. It kinda takes your mind off of it a little. I had my 4th baby all natural and labored for 4 hours and in 2 pushes she was out and she weighed a whopping 9lb 7oz. 12 days early too. We were so shocked that she was that big. But she was my easiest and quickest birth, with rips or tears or even needing to be cut, and that was the 1st time of that not happening. It made recovery that much easier not having stitches down below. But learn breathing techniques to help you through your contractions. It makes a big difference and even if you are planning for pain relief and think you don't need to know breathing techniques, your wrong. If theings don't go as planned and you end up going nautral or if you have to wait awhile the your epidural to be given all those breathing techniques will help you stay in control and focused. Have whoever is going to be at the birth with you learn as well to help you in doing them and keep you focused. Its not as bad you hear and see, yes it is painful, but its also the most beautiful thing you will ever do, giving birth to that baby, no matter how he or she makes their entrance into the world. They don't call it a labor of love for nothing. Good luck and God bless all you mommies. :)
  • Ugh. Just thinking if giving birth makes me cringe. The thought of a needle going in my back makes me cry. I have a hard enough time just getting blood drawn. Luckily, I have a while to wait
  • This is my second baby I have a while to go but for my first one I did it naturally and she was 9 pounds 1 ounce. Epiderals can slow down the process. I recommend doing it naturally. It hurts im not going to lie, but its totally worth it. With the right support team you will do fine.
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