16 and pregnant



  • I thought about it alot and im still not comfortable to tell my parents
  • Ok look I'm 16 right now and 11 weeks, my mom is one of the strictest and moody person Ull ever meet. I kno wear ur common froum, with the patents n baby daddy thang evon with the suaside stuff, I was just like that. I dnt mean to sound like I rly kno u or aneythang but I think it would b good if we talked. Email me sna_diver@yahoo.com
  • You were responsible enough to have sex, you should tell your parents. You need prenatal care. My parents were mad at me at first, I was their youngest and only little girl, perfect grades, never did anything wrong, but they have came around. They are excited to see their grandson in two more weeks. It will be okay. And if you really don't want to keep the baby, think about adoption. So many women want kids but can't have them.
  • I know its hard. Its hard for me to tell my mom. I'm 18 almost 19 I live on my own I work two jobs and my bf is super supportive and we make our own money. We took a chance by having unprotected sex and were happy to deal with the results. You took a chance in having sex so now you have to deal with the results. You need to get prenatal care asap so you should probably find a way to get that sooner rather then later
  • @mybaby I was 16 wen i had my first son... i was even thinkin about havin an abortion but i tlkd to my father & he convinced me to keep my baby... i didnt tell ne one until i was 3 months... my family always thought so high of me... My mom was really upset @ first but she forgave me after all b/c i gave her... her first granchild ne ways if your family truly loves you they will get over it & help yu the best way they can... im now 23 wit my 2nd child same bd & i wish yu the best!! If yu need to tlk im here for ya!!
  • I know it's very hard to tell your parents. I was 16 and 5 months pregnant when I told my Mom. She was only upset that I didn't tell her sooner so I could have been getting the proper care for the baby. She was more supportive than I thought she would be. Just be honest with them and tell them and see how it goes from there.
  • I had first one when i was 16 and i didn't told my sister until they noticed my changes cravings, and they noticed that i am not having my period until they brought me to a clinic and get me checked if i am pregnant and i was confirmed ! She got upset and called my dad to come over (dad is living with his new family) and spoke to my partner and told him to bring his parents. Eventhough my dad and my partners parents had arrangement my sister hated me so much and she chucked me out so i was pushed to live with my partner. It's so hard to have a resposibilities when u r just starting ur teenage life. If only my sister was so understanding that time :-( .
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