16 and pregnant

edited March 2011 in Pregnant


  • Help with what? Lol
  • Yea..what do you need help with?
  • I had my first baby at 16. If you need to talk I'm here for ya. You can even text me :)
  • Tellin my parents...
  • just tell them the sooner the better.
  • But my parents r strict
  • Just tell them. They're probably going to be upset and disappointed at first, but you are their daughter and they will love you no matter what. Just be strong. You will feel so much better after telling them, trust me.
  • yea well so were my parents and i am 19 and they got even more mad cause i did not tell them earlier i was 4 months wen i told them..
  • If you wanna email me you can britt.brown93@gmail.com bec I know exactly how you feel and you can talk to me about .... I was arrested and then a week later found out I was pregnant, imagine how scared I was to tell my mom
  • Girl, my parents were the same way. Strict & Christian. I just flat out said it one day when I was just about three months preggo. & you know what happened? My Daddy who I adore didn't talk or look at me for almost three weeks. After that he warmed up to the fact that it wasn't changing & his first grandbaby was on the way. He's the best Father to me, & Grandfather to her. Of course its scary at first to tell them. They will be mad & maybe a little disappointed but, its temporary. You're their daughter, they will love & support you in the end. I promise hun!
  • Wen I was 9 and my dad married my step mom who I despise he wasn't in my life much and my mom is an alcholic but wen she's not drinking she's strict....I fucked up this time bad
  • I was 15 and my mom was strict. I told her after I took a pregnancy test at my friends house. Her mom talked with me for a long time before I finally just did it. Do u have a friend where u can go stay and talk to her mom? That is what really helped me. Let me know how u make out. Trust me things will only get better as time goes on after u tell them. My mom would die now if she went more than a week without seeing my son who is nine now
  • I'm 19 and pregnant but I haven't lived with either of my parents since I was 17. They were angrier about me getting married than getting pregnant. I got some crap from everyone in my family, but after like a week they all got excited. First baby of my generation!
  • My parents are alcoholics too. That's why I got out. We're going to do better for our babies :)
  • The longer you wait isn't gonna change the fact of you being pregnant ... your parents will be more pissed that you kept this from them for so long , plus you need to see a doctor for prenatal care so you have to tell them
  • My family will disown me...
  • If they disown you then let them..theyre the ones missing out. You can still survive..theirs help out there.
  • Honestly before I was prego I had suicidal thoughts im scared from myself....now I hav to deal with this....
  • Look my mom told me I had no choice then to get an abortion and I packed my stuff and left and it was bec of the race of my baby ... I haven't talked to her in two months
  • Well my bf wanted me to get an abortion...
  • Is he worth killin your baby? !?! You need to tell your parents
  • I would never but he excepts that im not getting one but were on the brink of losing our house I hav no way to support this child
  • I don't know how it is in other states but here in Oregon when you get pregnant you are emancipated. You can talk to children and family services and see what they can do to help.

    The longer you wait to tell your parents the more angry they will be. Lots of parents are strict till something as serious as this happens. My mom was super excited even though she wished I would have waited on having a baby but it was the best thing that happened to me. My daughter is now 11 years old.

    Now suicidal thoughts go, well maybe you need to vent and find the meaning and where they are coming from. I left you my number but not sure if it worked cause I don't know this site well.
  • No other family members to help you ..
    Then think about adoption ... idk where yu live but in Philadelphia there is welfare thar gives baby food and formula and there's a program that gives diapers to teen moms
  • You can always do an open adoption so you can see your child. Now I will offer to take care of your baby like I told another mom.
  • But in a way I feel guilty I made this baby I need to take care of my baby...I feel like i'm fighting through he'll
  • OMG i so know what your going through! I got preggo at 15 and seriously waited till I was 7 months till I told my parents! SO SCARY... and My mother was SO mad and cried and my dad was speechless. I wish I had told them sooner but it was hard. I recommend writing them a letter. They may be very upset at first but I know after a week or so they came around. My mother pushed for adoption and father was neutral supported me no matter what I did. I also did adoption but didn't last minute and my family LOVES my son! They became supportive and helped me. I know its hard really I used to sit in the room next to them and say it over and over again in my head and couldnt find the guts to tell them.... Stay strong if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here!
  • You did an adult thing
  • :-S well im turning in for the night
  • Mine were strict to I got prego at 16 had him at 17 after you tell them just give them time to get used to the idea! I'm now 19 n 28 weeks prego with my second a girl n have a great job n living on my own. It'd hard doing it as a teenager but its all worth it!
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