Where are the country girls?



  • @jmask LOL he is city to the t he is a gamer if that tells you anything...they always say opposites attract I never believed it until I met him but one thing I did get him to do is after I have the baby & heal (i have to have another c-section, my first was an emergency) he did promise to take me horse back riding & promised to do it with me....one good thing is he has never broke a promise to me & we've been together 5 yrs.
  • @momofthree lol I know its hilarious. People are so funny. But that would have been so fantastic I want it to flood so I can go through the fields and yard in a john boat lol. Ha I haven't done that but my does that sound fun lol. And I hated my mom too her priority was work then church then after my parents divorced it became work church and he new man. So I left at 13 but hey I turned out wonderful after some hard times :)
  • @kbg10 sounds like we have a lot in common, wander if we're related...haha...it was fun until my cousins started rocking the boat, I'm probably the only country girl you'll meet that can't swim...I've tried...I sink like a rock...my hubby says its cause I have such a big...um...butt...lol
  • @momofthree I know right. And.funny you say that my fiance can't swim either. Like won't go in water above his knees. Lol and maybe were long lost cousins. Woo hoo lol then again maybe not ha but I get so annoyed with my fiance sometimes cuz in like 200 freaking degree weather we can't go swimming cuz he is afraid. But he won't even try he refuses. I wouldn't care if he just went out at waded in the water with me but he's freaked out by holes in the creek that get a little deep lol. But that okay eventually I might get him to sit in a puddle with me :)
  • @kbg10 I'm bad but not that bad, I will at least go to my chest but if the water gets around my neck I start to freak out & can't breath. Lol funny you should mention 200 degree weather I use to bother my husband so much because no matter how hot it was I ALWAYS wore jeans t shirt & tennis shoes, the year before last he actually got me to wear kapris & flip flops first time in 10 years.
  • @momofthree ha I have yet to see my fiance outside in shorts lol always jeans and boots no matter what. Me I will wear almost nothin if im that freakin hot yuk I hate being hot and I'm gonna be big and pregnant all through thus dreadful missouri summer lol he us gonna have to play in the water with me or I'm liable to bite his head off come summer time lol :) but why wouldn't you even wear capris and flip flops lol
  • @kbg10 I'm so sorry I was pregnant with my daughter in the summer I swelled up like a water balloon I'm lucky with this one he will be here after Easter. I'm extremely self conscious I don't like to show any part of my body my husband & I have been together 5 years & he is lucky to see me walk around the house in my undies I'm a all the lights off person.
  • Lol I am extremely self conscious as well lol my Hubby won't see me in just my undies lol I hate my thighs yuk but I will wear my shorts and a.bra around or a bathing suit top but when I'm hot Omg nothing is worse idc.how god awful I look or feel like I look when I'm hot I become a bitch if I'm not finding s way to cool down idk what I'm gonna do when I'm that big I guess just suffer lol and bitch a lot lol my poor hunni I feel bad for him already lol
  • @kbg10 he's always telling me I shouldn't be I'm 5' 9" & 130-150 not pregnant but I have to feel pretty not someone tell me....
  • I am in west virginia, 26, this is my first child.. she is due June 30 and I turn 27 July 3 ;)
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  • Texas girl born and raised!! My husband is from mississippi

    Due april 2nd with a boy
    1st baby
    37 weeks 2dys
    Getting induced on thursday
  • Alabama girl from birth to now. :) TTC for our first.
  • I'm born & raised in Georgia, bit mow live in Orlando, Fl. Miss my hometown. I'm 33 & 23 wks w/a boy my 5th baby.
  • Im from bama!!
  • I'm from Frankfort Indiana I've lived in the country my whole life I'm 18 29 wks along and I'm having a baby boy
  • Congrats Ladies! I'm now 32 weeks with my lil man on the way, I'm high risk so I have 3 Dr apts this weeks 2 with my regular 1 with my specialist its kind of crazy but they say he is doing excellent! Best of luck ladies with your pregnancies!

    @fingerscrossed I wish you the best of luck sweetie they truly are a blessing!
  • From Washington state country through and through we ride 4wheelers own nothing but 4 wheel drive have a Buffalo hanging in our living room. I am lucky my boyfriend is country too We live for the rivers whether its floating them or fishing. From a little town we don't even have a McDonalds and we like it. I am excited to raise our baby the way we where raised.
    I am 23 expecting our first I am 12 weeks and we are hoping for a boy first. :)
  • @samantha Congrats sweetie we had deer heads in our living room, ever tried to explain that to a city boy? LOL I hope you get the little boy that you hope for!
  • Oh the looks we get about the Buffalo are priceless either its wow is That real? Or eww that's gross. Lol. Ya we have tons of antlers and crap all over the place. And thank you I hope so to. I think it is a boy. What are you having
  • @samantha I'm having a boy, I have a little girl who will be 3 September my step son will be 5 in July so looks like me h my little girl are out numbered...lol
  • @momOfThree well your little girl will just have lots of boys to protect her, as for you, you're going to have quite the handful lol.
  • Pass Christian, Mississippi
  • I live in southeast texas. Always have. :) I'm 22 years, 34 weeks along, and having a bouncing baby boy. :D
  • @samantha yeah, she is just like me...a tomboy...she would rather play with cars then Barbie's, I was the same way!
  • i was born and raised in ashland,ky but currently i live in nevada i am moving back after the baby is born im very homesick
  • I'm born and raised in South Carolina. I'm almost 23 years old, 21 weeks along and I'm having a little girl. Due august 5 (Although gender will be confirmed on the 6 of April) lol some say 18 weeks isn't a guaranteed girl cuz a little boy part could show up.
  • @erica_barrett Ashland? Where is that is that close to central city or am I thinking of somewhere else?
  • @momofthree im not sure its a small town its right on the border u can take the bridge to ohio and wv is only like a 30 min drive..surrounding cities r grayson and flattwoods, but those arent very known either lol
  • I'm not really southern but country. LOL grew up across from horse farms in Massachusetts and now live in farm town Idaho! LOL but... ttc & 30! :)
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