How accurate??

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hi guys! I'm pregnant with my first baby on July 1st and so excited! I'm 18 weeks today and find out the sex of the baby in two weeks. Anyway, I learned that we have an 85% chance of having a girl at our 12 week ultrasound. Any idea if this is truly accurate? Any similar stories? I'd be shocked if she was a he, but some people in our lives swear up and down I'm having a boy. Just curious!


  • Hi I'm due in September 21 I'm 6 weeks. I want to have a boy but I wouldn't mind having a girl. :)
  • i don't know how they worked that one out lol cuz ya cant sex a baby that early, 20 weeks is usually the best time when the genital area can be checked for the sex of the baby... but either way, good luck :)
  • Thank you! Crazy huh? I'm bad too because I've already purchased her a couple of things based on his prediction.
  • They can determine sex at 12 weeks but as the babys so small the areas normally hidden so depends how willing your baby is to let you see and how good your midwife is :) hope that helps xx
  • Gender can be determined at 12 weeks through bloodwork but the bloodwork needed isn't routine and is costly. At 16 weeks, gender can be detected via ultrasound - more easily with 3D ultrasound.
  • Im due july 1st with my first as well!! The nurse at my dr.s office said she has an 85% chance of guessing right and she thinks its a boy. My ultrasound tech is guessing girl but really has no clue yet lol. Ill hopefully find out for sure next friday.
  • Thanks guys, I'll keep you posted. Let me know when you know for sure rockinmomma:-)
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