My point has been proven,...pure comedy...



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  • its a blessing i will say...
  • I think there is a big difference between having ur opinion and just complaining which is what y'all we're doing and in a not so nice way. :)
  • My OPINION is...if you are a moderator you should hold the job exclusively and not post as a participant.
  • How Many of you have gotten an email from daddy? I've gotten 2 in the last month! ridiculous.
  • This forum is too much! I am 17 years old thought I could maybe get useful advice ask questions from the "been there and done that"s but it ain't nothing but grown women and mess!
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I agree with @kaylamea I really wish we had like dislike button still or a way to block certain peoples comments
  • I agree with a lot of what has been said in both these topics. Opinions are suppose to be just that. And its your own not anyone else's. I find that gets taken away from commenters that don't comment to often. I also agree that about the back up singers. It's me on my own on here and I felt that the other night.
  • Lmao if i was complaining it would be obvious
  • this the next forum to be closed.... ur liable to be banned if u resppond to her like the girl yesterday did...
  • edited March 2011
    Its okay.@mama_kat don't let it bother you that us what bullys want all these last two threads by these people are cyberbullying and that's it I would like a way to block peoples comments I will not bother reading their threads but would like it more to not see anything from them at all is this possible?
  • edited March 2011
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @kaylamae wat does that have to do with anything?
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  • edited March 2011
    The chick yestetday was just being nasty and just a bitch that why she got banned not cuz she disagreed
  • edited March 2011
    @kaylamae...not a good idea lol
  • Opinions are fine but when you start attacking another person its just too much I respect opinions other than my own and im not so holier than thou to judge anyone else on here we don't even really know each other or the situations we each come from
  • lol @ kaylamae. Sorry, but the "This system might crash" comment was hilarious to me! :-))
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  • I have seen a lot of discussions stay up longer lately. I believe this is something new their trying.
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  • @KerrideeRN I would have to agree maybe two identity's is best. :*
  • I dont understand why the ' I'm gonna get an abortion' and 'i hate my baby daddy' and 'i hate being pregnant' can stay up but things like this can't? There are do many rules to this forum, why not make talking about abortion one of them? its just turned into comedy.
  • @Kerri I have just recently joined and been trying to catch up and figure out who everyone is and all that. it seems everybody gets so caught up in a matter of opinion..if someone doesn't agree with you the whole discussion is shut down.. it doesnt seem fair...i think that is the word i'm looking for..
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