please spell correctly



  • Won** excuse me, maybe i am illiterate for spelling that word wrong :-/ lol
  • Haha that gets on my nerves too. But wut about shortening words.... like how I jus spelled "what" and "just"
    I'm on a touch screen fone too which is y I type the way I do :/
  • Lol! I went to public school too, but now the school systems are a joke! My husband went to private and refuses for our kids to go to public.
  • @snreda true. It also depends on where u live. And even if so, kids can make the best of it. I didnt have the choice of going to public school or not but im glad i did. I was a loner and excelled in everything
  • I mean like purposely going out of your way to mess up a word, so when you read it you have to read it like 3 times to know what it is. @MizSamantha
  • Well not gym:(
  • Amen!!! I'd smack my teen upside her head if she ever typed like that....I asked someone how old they were that they would type that way....and I was called immature! Yo stupid....have you seen the way you spell? What a lame o
  • I have a touch screen phone and it spells words correctly. It may make up a different word, but none the less...its spelt right
  • It has nothing to do with the school systems....these people just think its cool....little do they know it is irritating and makes them look stupid..
  • I use a touch screen and sometimes I mess up because of it (ok, I mess up a lot lol) but there is an edit button...
  • Yeah Me too I have swype but I re-read everything I write before I post it. I edit
  • edited March 2011
    well...swype is a pain in my booty and the touch screen gets me...but i'm proofreader.. just a habit i guess.. especially when i am posting to people i don't know, i like to portray my self as an educated young adult. :)
  • Lol..another ridiculous thread. Use this app for the purpose it was created, not to come and complain about stupid sh**.
  • Dont Comment if you dont like it.
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  • I have ignored it up until its all I see!
  • @snreda, complaining about someones spelling or the way they type is your life that boring or miserable that you need to create a topic on a PREGNANCY forum about it?
  • Its against forum guidlines
  • You may not be illiterate, but you sure seem to come across ignorant lol. Oh well, this whole forum has gone down the drain. Good luck to all of you with your pregnancies or those ttc :) Have a great night ladies.
  • Yes! Ah! Stop making no sense! (Okay, so I just used a double negative, but you know what I mean.) For the record, I attended public school and am number two in productions at my office as well as in the top ten percent at my college. I think it depends where you are. I did just move a thousand miles to have my baby in Plano, TX (where I grew up) because my husband and I refused to have our child be educated by Chicago Public Schools. Furthermore, if you don't like this thread, don't read it! It has everything to do with pregnancy. You see, the intentional mispellings of others gets our pregnant-lady-hormones raging and our blood pressures up a little, therefore effecting our little babies inside!
  • edited March 2011
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  • edited March 2011
    @BabyKixAlot well said! I went to school in md and pa, in rinky dink little towns, so my experiences we're horrible and most likely scarred me! But really its not about that, its just very annoying.
  • Lol this is ridiculous
  • Deep breaths, people! We're talking about intentionally changing the spelling of a word not for convenience. Who cares if you can't remember "'i' before 'e'" and all the rules, or if you abbreviate 'u' for 'you'... we're talking about the crazy slang that forces us to read some posts 17 times before we can offer any comfort, experience, or help! These are the same people that complain no one responds to their posts. It's because Slanglish isn't our first language!
  • Whoa this is getting intense! There are worse threads than this on here so who cares. Don't get mad over something like this! Its not worth it! I hate when people spell easy words "like" "lyke " it just doesn't make sense..
  • Its Just simple venting. People get way to into internet life.
  • Exactly. :-D
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