do any of you get nervous about increased deployments when stuff happens in the news? i find i am constantly nervous that something will happen and the hubbs will be sent
My husband leaves the month baby comes .. but if baby is healthy & where he/she should be, I'm gonna try to be induced a couple weeks early. So terrible for anyone who has to deal with it, but then again, I'm so proud of him & I know baby will feel the same one day (:
i know exactly what you mean. And non-military women dont get being ok with him being gone. I am so proud of my husband. His career in the military is almost up and he has had the option to deploy again several times in the last year and really thought about it. i think that if something major happened, conflict wise, he wouldnt think twice. As much as that terrifies me, i would never try and talk him out of it. It's something he feels strongly called to. Ihave to admire it. i am thankful for what our military men and women do. I hope your pregnancy goes well and you and your hubs have a great delivery!
Thank you, best wishes to you too girl.. & I'm the same way! Hate to see them go, but they chose this job for a reason and as a wife.. ill always support him! I'm very thankful for what the military men & women do also! Could I do it? Lord no! I'll be more than happy to support them though (:
I worried my husband will deploy again, and this will be his thrid deployment if he want, I'm scared cuz I'm due in june and then we PCS to Ft. Carson Colorado in August. I don't want him to deploy with us jus having our first baby, and I have no family close, so I don't want to raise him by myself.
i am thankful for what our military men and women do. I hope your pregnancy goes well and you and your hubs have a great delivery!