3 time changed for me they go by the size of the baby. It can be disappointing when you think you are 12 weeks and findc out only 7 weeks I was depressed for a week.
I dont understand that. Its not sapossed to be size but by the first dayof your last cycle. I hate how they change everything like that. But yea they only moved me 5 days but the same amount of weeks.
My "original" due date was Aug 11th then it was changed to Aug15th, then Aug19th....now I'm back at the 15th. Just remember ladies this date is an estimated time for delivery...you could go earlier or later and let your body and baby decide (I'm hoping for as natural a birth as possible)
I asked about this at my ultrasound last week bc I hear pple with due dates changing several time and the tech told me that after an ultrasound from 8-12 weeks that the due date shouldn't be changed... she said just bc the ultrasounds say different days doesn't mean the due date should change, babies grow at different rates through the 2nd and 3rd trimesters
My due date changed too. We were tracking ovulation along with my period and the new due date from my 20 wk ultrasound lines up with when I was ovulating but is a few days later than the one based on my last period.
Babies are full term at 37 to 40 wks so I figure it doesn't matter much.
I think im ganna ask to be enduced forsure in august. I have a family vacation that we go to every year at the end of august. Lol
Babies are full term at 37 to 40 wks so I figure it doesn't matter much.