Is decaf coffee ok?

edited February 2011 in Health
I have really been wanting coffee lately but i don't want the caffine to harm the baby so is decaf ok to drink or should i stay away from it?


  • Decaf is ok. I think like w everything else moderation is key.
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  • Decaff still has a very small minimal amount of caffeine in it...but its very small... I have cut all caffeine products form my diet because I read that caffeine increases the odds of miscarriage in the first trimester, and I just dont want my baby having that crap...There are plenty of caffeine free options now a days!
  • As soon as i found out i was expecting i cut out all caffine. I used to drink like 6 cans of dr.pepper a day and now it makes me sick. I heard caffine in small doses was ok and also serves as a dieretic but i worry to much lol thank you ladies!!! :)
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  • @mama_kat I am surprised that I didnt get headaches after I cut my caffeine! I was a hardcore coffee drinker 3 or more cups a day before the pregnancy! Its been pretty easy for me in that sense..
  • I wasn't a coffee drinker before but if I want caffeine I have it maybe 2 cups of tea but I don't drink tea everyday maybe once in awhile. My paper from the doc say 2 cups is ok
  • still is dehydrating, make sure to drink more water.
  • U can have 200mg of caffeine per day being pregnant. 1 cup of reg coffee has 135mg per cup. So decaf should be fine. U can always ask ur dr about it.
  • My doc said I could still have my 1 cup of coffee in the morning if I cut out all other caff. Lol I love my doc bc I'm not a happy person to be around without that morning but no tea or soda or choc. But I'm ok with that
  • I've been wanting coffee so bad too.. any caffeine really.. think I'm gonna have me a cup in the morning :)
  • doctor said I could drink coke but it had to be caffeine free which were i live you can find at every store. Can't have rich milk chocolate though :-(
  • My doc told not to cut out caffine. He said I could have the equivalent of a grande star bucks coffee and tea with each meal. Most days I don't drink much caffeine but at work I have to have a cup of coffee.
  • I cut out all caffine with my first but now I crave pepsi all the time and will give in to it occasionally but I still have my cup of coffee everyday.. A cup a day isn't goin to hurt the babes.. I've read it in multiple books, don't deny yourself if you really want it, moderation is the key
  • I spent alot of time in the gym a couple of years back before I started having some health problems and I drank quite a bit of coffee to keep me going through my college classes. One day I got really sick and discovered I was having too much caffiene. I had an accident when I was 16 involving cleaning chemicals and ever since I've been very sensitive to chemicals including medications. I also developed asthma. I did a LOT of reasearch (im a nerd i guess because i love to research and learn) on caffiene and read that it is actually a natural pesticide! Its in certain plants to keep them from being destroyed by bugs. Not to gross anyone out but I found it really interesting. By what I read I stopped using caffienated products (unless you count the small amount in chocolate) but then again I am a lot more sensitive than the average person now. My mom is addicted to caffiene and can't function without her Dr pepper and my partner drinks a lot of coffee. One of my best friends was having severe panic attacks and had to up his dosage of ativan to Get through the day and I discovered he was drinking those 5 hour energy shots that are loaded with caffiene and the two were cancelling eachother out. I find it interesting that some people are fine with it and others have problems.
  • Decaf coffee still has a small amount of caffeine in it....Caffeine can cause side effects to include miscarriage and problems for baby. I suggest staying away from coffee....if you absolutely have to, then 1 cup of decaf every few weeks just to keep the cravings at bay. Set it on your calendar, like every other Monday....that way you have something to look forward too. ;)
  • Decaf has lots chemicals in it to take out the caffeine. I get decaf that goes through a process called "swiss water" process. It uses water to decaf the coffee, not chemicals. If you type in swiss water decaf online it can show you were to get it locally. I get mine at Target.
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