Any working mom's out there?



  • @mommy2be_1st that's good...even if you need help financially after having your baby and just hving the one job.. you should be able to get help without any problems.
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  • @august22baby. How ar u liking school. I've been a licensed cosmetologist for 13 years I love it I plan on working til about a week before the due date or until I can't fit up to the shampoo bowl
  • If they dont have maternitu leave, u can take state disability and they legally cannot fire you for taking the time off
  • @mommy2be_1st that's good...even if you need help financially after having your baby and just hving the one job.. you should be able to get help without any problems.
  • farmerswife im in the navy i am a mech as well the navy put me in a diffrent homeport bat with a diffrent job for the time being it states that they are required to give you every thing u need to keep you and the baby safe have her let her command know and good luck. my husbands a marine he says that it required to put her in a safe enviroment for her and the baby
  • I work in a hospital 7pm-7am im only 5 weeks pregnant but due to all the stress and lifting patients im scared i will miscarry :( does anyone else lift heavy stuff at work??
  • I thought it was the law that work gives you 6 weeks to recover.. just like I read if you have morning sickness you don't need a note from the doctor.. id look into it.. I could be wrong..
  • I wondered the same thing.. we don't have maternity leave here either, I'm a cosmetologist..
  • Yes @newmommy2be772 I lift heavy things and it very much worries me. I am a personal trainer so I am spotting people, handing them weights and racking huge weights all day. Where did you read that about the Ms @leggs2011? I have had to miss some work BC of it an my boss is such a b***h about it.
  • I read it in the 'your pregnancy week by week' book.. page 90. Its states under the fmla(family and medical leave act) you do NOT need a note. So I would def look it up ladies and print it off and keep it in your car or purse so if you ever need it you have it. I am pretty sure he can't fire you or demote you b.c. of it. Goodluck hun
  • my baby is due in 2 weeks and I have only been on maternity leave for 1 week. I work in a warehouse doing 10 hour shifts for all of my pregnancy. The wont take you off work till 36 weeks unless something is wrong with your pregnancy. However, they can give you restrictions which at that point either your job can except them or put you on disability themselves. My job made me work till the bitter end. Probably figured if they were going to have to pay me anyway...might as well get something out of it.
  • I'm due in 2 weeks and I'm a hostess at a restaurant. Constantly on my feet. Its exhausting. But I'm still working.
  • I'm 27 weeks, due in June and I'm goin to continue to work and go to school. I work with mentally challenge ppl so they keep me on my feet then afterwards I go to school but hay I'm doin it for my babygirl
  • I am a police officer and 15 weeks pregnant with my first... Havent told the Chief yet. I'm worried I will have to take off work for several months before baby arrives... Not showing yet, but I'm sure it won't take long!! Good luck, hon.
  • I'm almost nine weeks. I'm sick ask the time but I'm the manager in the grooming salon at Petco and unfortunately I'm the only groomer there right now. I wrestle and lift dogs, I'm only eight weeks five days but I've never had so much back pain in my life! corporate demanded a note from my Dr. But even still they are giving me a hard time and telling me they don't have faith in me anymore... Its really frustrating and makes me not care about doing my job.
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