please be honest

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Please be honest what do you think of the name Clayvon? My husband loves it. I'm not to sure. Anyone know a Clayvon?


  • I personally dont like it
  • Meh, sorry I personally don't really like it. Just being honest
  • yeah it's a no for me. Sorry
  • edited March 2011
    I think its cute different never heard it sounds cool. Better then most of the names I've seen on here :)
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  • Ummm...i wouldn't name my son that...i don't really like it...but if YOU like it...that's all that matters! Good luck!
  • Thanks for being honest I like the feedback
  • im reading it and pronouncing it like raven and i like it... might just be me..
  • I think its unique but dont particularly like it my self course if I have a boy im naming him Gregory
  • Sorry I feel like its one of those names that he will be teased over
  • I like Gregory. My Hubby has been trying to sell me on this name for over 2 years. I might give in for a middle name. Might.
  • It kinda eminds me a chevron, but I mean wat id do is try to think of some other names or cute nicknames to go with that name to please both lol just when the kid gets older n ask y that name blame dad lol
  • @skybaby well he is going to be a Jr Lol
  • I think its different if u pronounce in clay(pause) von it could b good I'm naming my don Cartier
  • @Mommysierra no Jr. He just came home from work loving this name. Years ago! Before I got preg. his whole family would refer to our future kid as ClayVon. Now, that we are having a baby he wants to use it. He keeps calling the baby "baby C". I would get made at first bc I felt like it was a joke. But he truely likes the name. OMG!
  • I know a Clayvon. I'm not a bog fan of the name though myself. Middle name sounds like a good compromise.
  • @pretty_rickys_baby Really did he get made fun of a lot?
  • I don't much like it, it seems a bit weird to me. Unique, yes, but slightly over-the-top. I wouldn't mind it as a middle name, tho. Of course, my son's middle name is Danger, so I wouldn't really have room to throw stones over anyone else's choice. :)
  • I like it! (: had a friend named Clayvon and thought it was very unique
    .but go with what you like,its your child(:
  • I personally don't like it, but if you like it that's all that matters. :)
  • I like it its cute n_n
    Noone likes ordinary names
    wish mine was more unique
    but most ppl call me mija or baby anyways
  • I like clayvon. Not crazy bout the possible nickname of clay.
  • @skybaby no no my first son will be a jr. Gregory branden Jackson jr.
  • @skybaby no he didn't get picked on for his real name just for how country he is. So they nicknamed him big country.
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