Pregnant attitudes

edited February 2011 in November 2011
They are the worst! I swear I get yelled at and told how terrible I am at least every 10 seconds..


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  • edited February 2011
    Be patient
  • I am always getting mad at my husband but i dont mean to be rude. Just try and remember that we are scared inside and our hormones are all over the place.
  • Just try to stay calm and reasonable, if you feel like your going to explode With emotion count to ten. I've some that a few times
  • Be patient every little thing aggravate us its all the stress we are going through.
  • My bf says I get short with him, I mostly don't realize but when I do I apologize.
  • My attitude is horrible preggo.... Almost as bad as when I am drunk I can't keep my mouth shut and speak before thinking... I dont know how my family puts up with me lol
  • I can't even put up with my own attitude lol so I try to stay away from people when I feel my bitchyness is at its highest. You should talk to her about it when or if she gets out of hand & let her know some guys have feelings too.
  • Yeah dude, it pretty bad... all she does is yell for sun chips from subway and then get pissed because they named a planet pluto and the sky is blue haha, gotta love um
  • I told my fiance we need a break....
    Tthe reason y is bcuz I keep being mean to him so thought its best if he gives me a break....
    He said hell b there all the way n tolerate my hormones for as long as it takes...wat a darling....i feel really bad never had such bad hormones in my other pregnancys xxxx
  • I can agree that I have the worst attitude, I'm so rude now it's crazy. I snapped on a guy because he didn't hold the door for me and I was right behind him. He just looked at me, lol. My bf is handling it well though because I could be a lil bitchy before, but now it's bitchiness times 10! Lol.
  • @ gabschillin, I totally feel ya on all that. I'm 7wks 5 days and have all those symptoms. Can't wait to get farther along.
  • My husband went to the store and I asked him to get me a raspberry lemonade. if he doesn't get it for me he's going to regret it! Lol!!!
  • I'm glad to know its not just me... I have the worst attitude and my tolerance is very low. Everybody annoys me I just want to always be alone but nobody will give me space. The only time ppl leave me alone is when I scream and hurry their feelings. Omg I'm only 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant smh this is going to be crazy
  • So my pregnancy attitude is hurting my income. Im in sales and had about a 90% closing rate pre pregnancy. And in the last 2 weeks I haven't closed a thing because I keep snapping at these poor people and talking to them like they are idiots because my hormones are making me sooooo impatient and irritated. !!!!
  • I'm terrible to my hubby! But...he still tries so hard to make me happy...and I know no matter what I say to him or tell him how he sucks...i love and appreciate him sooooo much. He also knows this...this is our second child
  • edited March 2011
    I'm 5 weeks and I cry everytime I get really upset ... my fiance feels bad about it ... and I also get bitchy and irritated with him almost every 15 mins ...( poor daddy to be ) he completely understands me and support me... I apologize for my attitude and he tells me that everything will be better in due time . I appreciate him and love him Sooooooo muchh ... I thank god for him everyday .
  • edited March 2011
    I'm a little crazy sometimes :P he uses the H-word(hormones) and then I flip.
  • I have turned into a crier.... my bf gets this cute little panicked look on his face every time. I'm usually not emotional, so he has no idea what to do, besides hug me. Last time I started bawling like a little girl who lost her puppy, was because I was draining pasta for dinner, and the lid came off the pot and pasta was all over the kitchen floor and in the sink. That was all she wrote, I lost it. After he got me calmed down, he finished dinner and picked up the mess. He's so good to me....
  • Ha when I get mad I tell him its cuz I have extra testosterone (we r having a boy) and its not easy having a pens inside u for nine months.... lol. But he gets more emotional than I do. Sympathy emotions. Lol
  • Be patient. Its hard when u wanna eat sumthing and then just barf it out. Or pee every hour. Or have a morning sickness that freakin lasts the whole day. Or have to eat every hour so u wont get nauseated. Its so hard.. Just be patient. She appreciates you. She's just having a hard time. Its hard to enjoy ur pregnancy when your hormones have other plans. Good luck!
  • I know its completely ridiculous at times. I know I am! Heck I even have attitude with my 5+6 yr olds. I hate myself once that mood or situation passes. And then I want to cry. And then laugh so I don't cry. I am telling y'all, I think the hormones get worse the more opregnancies. Haha. Good luck sweetie and ask her to write down what bothers see how irrational she's being and also gives you a list to refer to try and please her. ....on be half of all the daddies, thanks for sticking thruu it
  • @soontobedaddy I do it to my boyfriend everyday . we dont mean it . your just the only ones around we can vent to sometimes . dont fight back with her . let her say what she wants . she doesnt mean . were all just very uncomfortable and tired . dont take anything negative she says to heart . she needs you to comfort her and all that . just be strong . itll be over sooner then you know it . and shell be back to normal . my boyriend is counting down the days till our daughter is here and im back to normal . youll get thru it .
  • edited April 2011
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  • edited April 2011
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  • @gatorbob I couldn't have described it better!
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